How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK
Hey there! We’re Caitlin and Jenny (she/her). We host How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK, AKA the CK & GK Podcast. Our show is dedicated to any mom who's ever looked around and thought, "I need an adultier-adult than me to handle this."
We're moms just like you, navigating the everyday chaos and unexpected surprises. We bring a relatable and humorous perspective to parenting, drawing on our own experiences and sharing honest, practical advice you can actually use in your own life.
We aim to create a supportive and entertaining space where listeners can learn, laugh, and connect with other adults who are just trying to figure it all out. By offering relatable stories, expert advice, and a healthy dose of humor, we hope to empower listeners to embrace the ups and downs of adulthood with confidence and a positive attitude.
Caitlin and Jenny are based in Austin, Texas. They're both married to cool people and parents to cool kids. Caitlin is a former middle school teacher and Jenny is a middle school assistant principal. They're besties who love to laugh.
How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK
Empowering Women in Finance: How to Beat the Savings Gap
What if the financial world wasn't stacked against women?
Financial literacy and savings are a big deal, especially for women. Frankly, the deck is often stacked against us. We're talking about how societal stuff, economic realities, and even our own choices can make it harder for women to save for the future. On this week's podcast, we're diving headfirst into this mess, figuring out why it's so tough for women to save and what we can actually do about it.
Who Should Listen
Millennial moms, working women, and anyone who's ever felt the sting of the gender pay gap—this episode is for you. We're tackling the financial challenges women face head-on.
What You Get In This Episode
This week, we're diving into the financial challenges women face and offering practical strategies to overcome them, including:
- The cold, hard truth about women's savings: We're talking stats, the gender pay gap (ugh), how education (and student loans, double ugh), and the lack of paid parental leave all play a role.
- Why community matters: We'll discuss the power of talking about money with other women (no judgment here!).
- Real solutions to help women build financial security like how to get paid what you deserve and how to make your money work for you: Quick tips on negotiating salary and benefits and high-yield savings accounts and other smart money moves (because you're worth it!).
CK and GK, hosts of "How to Be a Grownup," are tackling the financial challenges women face and offering practical advice you can actually use.
- 26% of working women are leaving free money on the table that could set back their retirement by Alex Gailey
- What holds women back from saving — and what they can do about it by Jasmin Suknanan
- Why Don’t Women Save As Much as Men by Liliana Hall
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Cha-ching, it's Tuesday. Yes, it is. We are so glad you're here. This is how to Be a Grown-Up the show that teaches you things grown-ups need to know. And this week we're continuing with Finance February, part two of Finance February, and this episode is all about women and savings, or women's lack of savings, right? So Jenny is going to tell us why women don't save as much as men and what we can do to fix that.
Caitlin:But first, but first I will introduce Caitlin. We could call her change for a dollar, because it just makes sense.
Jenny:Oh, I was like wait, only a dollar Girl. These nails cost way more than $1. Can you just up the price a little bit? And that's yeah. That's Jenny, my fierce, protective mother bear. Oh goodness, okay, let's get to it.
Caitlin:So we are talking about why women don't save as much as men, and I read three different articles to help put this together. One is called 26% of working women are leaving free money on the table that could set back their retirement, by Alex Gailey oh my gosh. Another one is what holds women back from saving and what they can do about it, by Jasmine Sukunon, and why women don't save as much as men, by Liliana Hall. Okay so, this was really interesting to me. Okay, so according to Bankrate, they did a survey and saw that 26% more than a fourth of working women did not contribute into their retirement savings last calendar year. Wow, that's a lot.
Caitlin:Now, that's a lot. It's a huge amount when you compare it to men. Only 16% didn't contribute. Wow, it's almost half, again as more.
Jenny:Yeah, it's insane Okay.
Caitlin:Okay. So Emily Green, who is the head of private wealth management at Ellevest, reported that the average woman keeps 70 cents of every dollar in cash rather than saving it. Whoa? So for every dollar that a man would invest, a woman is keeping 70% of that as cash rather than.
Jenny:Just like in her savings account, right Wow.
Caitlin:Normal savings or checking even worse.
Jenny:Okay, I might be guilty of this.
Caitlin:Okay. Wealth Watch survey from New York Life found that in 2022, women saved just an average of $3,100. Whereas men saved an average of $7,000. Oh ew, Retiring women, according to Vanguard, have 44% less saved than retiring men.
Jenny:Okay, there's got to be something behind this.
Caitlin:Like what's the reasoning for this? Why is this happening? Right, yeah, okay, so I'm going to talk about different reasons that this exists, and then we're going to try and brainstorm some ways to fix those things. And then we're going to try and brainstorm some ways to fix those things. So the first one is the gender pay gap, and so I am going to need you to fix that. What are your ideas.
Jenny:Burn it all down Like burn down the patriarchy.
Caitlin:So there's not a whole lot that we can do about this across the country on our own, but we can continue to look for legislation and argue for more pay, negotiate, negotiate, negotiate, negotiate when you're signing a contract. But right now, white women earn 82 cents on a man's dollar. Okay, women of color earn somewhere between 65 and 70 cents.
Jenny:This is why this is why it's so important to advocate for policies that are transparent about salaries too right because you and I have both worked in places where you were not supposed to talk about your contract and how much it was worth and what benefits you got and like. That's not okay. You should be able to share that information, right, and that's, that's a law. It's required now, um, at least in most states. I know california led the charge on that's. That's a law, it's required now, at least in most states. I know California led the charge on that, but that's, that's a big deal. This is why transparency helps everyone, especially women of color, who are not making nearly enough money Right For the work that they're doing. Oh my gosh.
Caitlin:OK, about two thirds of the pay.
Jenny:That's insane. Also, um, I'm going to like just throw in there too, 82 cents on the dollar for white women. But also the. The products that women buy are more expensive because you pay more for that pink razor than you do for a men's blue razor or whatever it's.
Caitlin:pink tax is real, so and that is one of the things in here that I read in these articles is also it does cost more to be a woman. Yes, women's self-care products, like shampoo, razors, all of those things and I'm not talking about feminine products, I'm talking about, like, just actual hygiene body wash yes, whatever, just body washes yeah 45% more expensive than men's on the average.
Jenny:Insane, absolutely insane. Like not okay, and then you add in the cost of feminine hygiene products.
Caitlin:And, of course, it's more expensive to be a woman. Yeah For sure. I put on a moisturizer every night.
Jenny:John didn't do that. Right like right anyway patriarchy.
Caitlin:Burn it all down. That's how we fix this, okay. So another part of this pay gap is it is now reflected in your social security earnings, because the way that your social security payments are calculated is based on your 35 highest earning years, so like when I started making money at 25 years old.
Jenny:that counts Right Ugh.
Caitlin:But women who collect Social Security on average collect only 80% of what men are getting because of the pay gap, right, so ridiculous. One leads to the other, right, okay? So another thing that I uncovered that I thought was really interesting and we have a solution for is this lack of generational practice. Oh, okay, so it was really interesting to me. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974, 1974. Thanks RBG Said that women can own a credit card in their own name.
Jenny:Yep 1974. Thanks, RBG, Got you girl Okay.
Caitlin:So what that reflects, as is gen x, is really the first generation of women that had to manage debt in their own name oh, I see what you're going.
Caitlin:Okay, I gotcha so we can expect that two or three generations of women from now they will have had enough practice in their family, enough culture of debt management, assuming that they had savvy female role models that saving and not overspending are actually a practice in your family. That makes a lot of sense, Okay. But if you were born before, let's say, the 1950s, you didn't ever have debt in your own name, or at least not credit card debt.
Jenny:Well, and even like people, our like. My mom was in her teens in 1974, so it was new to her too, so I would be the first or the second generation to be able to.
Caitlin:Okay, right, all right, I see, okay one of the things that we can do to fix this, besides just wait for time and yeah, I mean yes I am really interested in following this story and seeing if what is predicted is true that as you see more of women in your family being financially sturdy, you will also start to grow that way. Agree, another way that we can start working on this right now is to talk to women in your community about finances. This does not have to be taboo. If you're not interested in sharing what you make or what your benefits package is, you can still have very interesting and important conversations with other women in your community about how to take care of their financial future.
Jenny:There are some really interesting podcasts about women and financial health too, where, if you don't have people in your circle who can support you with that, you can go listen to other people who know what they're talking about more than us.
Caitlin:One I'm thinking of is the Suzy Orman.
Jenny:Women in Money.
Caitlin:There are lots of other ones too, yeah. So another reason that women are saving less money than men is women are more likely to graduate from college, which means women are more likely to take on student loans.
Jenny:I was going to say this is supposed to be a good thing, right, and now?
Caitlin:women are more likely to graduate from a four year university and more likely to go on to graduate school.
Jenny:And then you end up with student loan debt, you go into a position that pays you less money than a man and you just can't. You can't win Right Like wow, Okay.
Caitlin:So more student debt means less money to save.
Jenny:Yeah absolutely, and you're getting to the saving place later in life, which means you get less in Social Security too, because for your last 35 years of earning you may not even. Oh my gosh, yeah, burn it all down.
Caitlin:Okay. Another reason is that women are more likely to be caregivers. Another reason is that women are more likely to be caregivers. So if you're not earning an income, it's kind of hard to save a portion of your income. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Any percentage of zero is still zero.
Caitlin:Right, Mm. Hmm, 23% of working women only work part-time, so they might not have company benefits regarding retirement, but they also are earning less money. Earning less money, yeah, so they have less to save. But the killer one that we can add to the list of patriarchal problems only 35% a third roughly of United States employers offer paid parental leave.
Jenny:And to be clear, that paid parental leave is probably for about six to eight weeks Right, which is if you've ever had a child and you have to go back to work after six to eight weeks.
Caitlin:They're not weaned in eight weeks and ready to leave their mother.
Jenny:It's excruciating. It's literally physically painful for both baby and mom. It's very awful. And the reason that women are more likely to be caregivers is because we make less money, so it just makes more sense for the woman to stay home and let the man earn the money. I mean, when I first started teaching here in Texas, you know I took a very large pay cut moving from Colorado to Texas, especially teaching in a private school, and I was paying to work because daycare was so expensive. Even with the discount that I got, I was paying to work. Yep, I did it because working was better for my mental health, but I was paying to work.
Caitlin:Yeah, jeez.
Jenny:Mm-hmm Okay.
Caitlin:Okay, what else Are?
Jenny:there more awful things.
Caitlin:I said earlier that women are more likely to keep cash. Like 70 cents on a man's invested dollars a woman is keeping in cash. Yeah, okay, so here's how we fix that. Okay, like you said, listen to podcasts where the people are experts. Find a financial advisor online. Read a financial newsletter. Read a a couple books. Go to your bank and ask what free financial services they offer.
Caitlin:Ooh, that's a good idea, you don't necessarily have to pay someone to help you plan, but if that's a luxury that you can afford, they can help you maximize what you save.
Jenny:Smart. Sometimes it just takes as little as going okay, I have, I happen to have five grand in this savings account. Can we take that five grand and move it into like a CD or something like something that will give you some higher rate of?
Caitlin:return. Well, that is another one. Right now, pause the episode and go open a high yield savings account. Yeah, compound interest. Nothing beats it. Is your friend? This is I need to do that Earning interest on interest. So you might remember from seventh grade algebra, I equals PRT. The interest is the principal times, the rate times, the time. That is simple interest. Yep, okay, but compound interest means every time it's compounded, you earn interest on the interest in your bank account. Yeah, it's great, it's a really cool thing. So you're making money on making money. A lot of high yield savings accounts have a minimum balance requirement, so if you have the cash available, you'll have to remember that that has to stay in the account in order for you not to be charged a fee, exactly.
Caitlin:And then the last thing, like I said, like always, be negotiating. Okay, be very discerning about your entire compensation package before you start a new job. The salary number is great, and that's what we talk about, but sometimes there might be more financial benefits available to you than what they initially offered. So don't accept the first one. Ask what else they can do, because it might be that they can offer you another package that you didn't even know about, because they were savvy and offered you the salary that you wanted.
Jenny:Right, and there are, especially for people who are non-confrontational, like myself, where I only confront people in the shower. When I'm talking out loud, we all know what I'm talking about, right, the best arguments. I win every argument in the shower, just saying you can seek out sentence frames that will tell you exactly how to negotiate for what you want. You don't have to go into this stammering the way that I often do on this podcast. You can have lines prepared for how you're going to ask for the things that you want for your job and we've talked about this before but Teal, that Teal HQ, that extension that I told people to add onto Chrome, if they're looking for jobs any of that they do have.
Caitlin:Talking about salaries, on there, so it is worth reading up, if that's a situation that you're in. Yeah, I love that, and more and more negotiation is happening via email these days, so you can really plan out what you're going to say Be your internet tough guy. You can really plan out what you're going to say Be your internet tough guy, right, be that person, yeah. And so if you have a retirement plan as part of your package and you can max it out For sure Whatever they will match.
Caitlin:You put that amount in Yep Absolutely Because again amount in Yep?
Jenny:Absolutely, because, again, you can't beat compound interest. No, you can't, and it's free money. It's free If they're matching it, that's you're not paying for that, that's them doing that for you. Like it's free money, you need to take it.
Jenny:You need to take it. The other thing I've often seen is sometimes if you are offered benefits through your work but you're already covered, or maybe your partner has a better package or however that works you can talk to them about what it means to waive those benefits and see if they'll compensate you for that. That doesn't always happen. It's not often something that happens, but you can ask that question and say, since I'm saving you money on paying me benefits, could you bump this up an extra $500 a month or whatever it is that it would? You know there are ways to talk about that too. Again, I haven't seen that often recently, but I know it does exist for some employers. So it's something to think about there too. And what's the worst thing? That?
Caitlin:could happen. They just say no, right, you didn't have it when you started.
Jenny:Right, that's. The other thing, too, is like I think for women it's so hard to hear no because we think it means no to every single thing and we don't advocate for ourselves as much as we should. But if it's an added thing that you weren't expecting, if the worst that happens is no, you're no worse off than you were before. And companies expect to negotiate. It's not like they're going to go oh you negotiated, Well, you don't get this job at all and gank the whole thing away from you. They're not going to do that to you, so don't worry about that.
Caitlin:If they've made an offer, it's because they want to hire you. Right, right, that's how that works.
Jenny:Right. You're allowed to advocate for yourself. You know what your time is worth. Make sure you push for that for yourself.
Caitlin:So let's talk about this. A fourth of the women last calendar year did not put money in their retirement savings. A fourth of working women Right Okay. In 2022, the average woman saved $3,100. The average man saved $7,000. The gender pay gap has women of color making two-thirds of what men make.
Jenny:Now in 2025, or as recently as the past two to three years not acceptable.
Caitlin:Only 35% of US employers have paid parental leave. All of these things are hard. These are truths that are difficult to hear, but there are some things that you can do to up your savings. One is make sure that you're contributing and maxing out your match at whatever your job offers. Focus on paying off debt as quickly as you can and then start contributing that same amount towards retirement. And don't settle.
Jenny:Just ask.
Caitlin:Maybe there's more.
Jenny:You're worth a lot, lot. You're allowed to ask for what you're worth.
Caitlin:You are and you want them to compound it for real. Let's take a break.
Jenny:For links to resources mentioned in this episode. Head on over to ckandgkpodcastcom slash blog to find everything you need, and be sure to follow us on social media. Head over to your favorite social media network and find us at CK and GK podcast. And now back to the show.
Caitlin:Okay, we're back, we are. So I really couldn't think of something that I was obsessed with, but then I remembered okay, and it's something that I've been obsessed with before, about the same time last year, is it snacks? It is a snack. It's those sumo oranges. We're talking about saving money and I'm like, oh no, I need these oranges that are a dollar a pop right last year, you guys, jenny, came to my house.
Jenny:I was like in the shower or something in the afternoon I was in my house, puts an orange in my husband's hand and leaves, yes, and my husband hands me the orange and he was like this is from jenny. And I was like, oh my god, it's one of those small oranges. This is how much she loves me. She gave me a dollar fifty orange, oh my god, so so funny. Okay, well, I've had their back in your life I've had to pace myself um.
Caitlin:I have had to hide them from abby, so that she's not eating my oranges.
Jenny:That's how I am with Honeycrisp apples. I'm like, no, this is mom's apple. Remember we talked about this? You can have a Fuji. Here's your Granny Smith.
Caitlin:Keep on rolling, yeah yeah, yeah, have a Caracara or a Navel, but keep your hands off my Sumos. I buy you a whole box of cuties but keep your hands off my sumos.
Jenny:I buy you a whole box of cuties. What are you doing? Oh goodness. Okay, well, I recently went to London for work. Um, it was very fun. It was very crazy, it was very busy, I was very sweaty. Let's just, it was a lot. It was a lot of things. But on my way home I was upgraded, which is amazing, and when you get upgraded you can like lie down.
Jenny:Beyonce yeah.
Caitlin:That's a deep cut.
Jenny:Let me upgrade you. So it was like a you just you know you lie down in the chair because the chair moves all the way down. It's, it turns into a bed. Yes, it's amazing. Well, you also have a very wide selection of television and I had been love it. I am obsessed with this show. It is so adorable and relatable. If you've ever been an educator, this show will speak to your heart. If you've ever been an educator in a public school too real it. It's got like an office sort of office parks, and right vibe, but it's.
Jenny:There's a lot, that's less. You know.
Caitlin:The office was made 20 years ago now, which is like really hard for me to wrap my head around as I was doing this research.
Jenny:It said something about the last 20 years and I immediately thought about my childhood and I was like no 2002 no yeah I was like oh, I had a credit card in 2002 I was racking up crazy debt in 2002 because I was in college and I thought those glasses were cute and so I bought them. I bought myself a little treat 400 kate spade sunglasses whoops. Anyway, it's very cute. It's a lot less cringy than those shows because you know 20 years ago the cringe level.
Caitlin:Well, and that was like part of the show right Was like how far can we take it? Scott's Tots.
Jenny:Right, oh, I can't watch that episode. No, I cannot.
Caitlin:There are so many people who just write that off Like I can't do it.
Jenny:It's horrible, but this show is not like that, but it still manages to be really funny and heartwarming and I love it. If you haven't watched, if you're not an educator, you'll still think it's funny, like it's a great show. So if you haven't watched, quinta Brunson's A Genius she named Abbott Elementary after her favorite elementary school teacher. This is Abbott. Oh my gosh, I love gosh, I love that. So sweet.
Jenny:Oh, she had my heart too when she went on to one of the late night shows. Might have been seth meyers, but she was talking about how she got to be on sesame street and she was like teaching a class with cookie monster and like all the friends, oh, love it, love it, love it. And she was like, yeah, you know it was really fun, the cookies a little much Like we get it, we get it, you love cookies, okay, great. No, you can't eat the scissors, like when the Muppets any Muppet. This is why I love the actual Muppets. But when the Sesame Street Muppets act like adults, right there, but when the Sesame Street Muppets act like adults, there's something so precious about it and I just love it and the way she was talking to them. It was so good. So, anyway, I love Quinta Brunson. I love Abbott Elementary. If you haven't watched, it will make your heart happy, so just give it a shot.
Caitlin:Well, I have a gem that comes from school.
Jenny:So maybe they can write an episode, maybe she can. Quinta, are you listening? Yeah, oh, I just heard back. Yep, she's here.
Caitlin:Okay, great, okay. So this week has been a week and because of some standardized testing, our lunch got pushed to later in the day so that our recess time is up against a younger grade's recess time, and we always yield to the younger children, so our sixth or eighth graders did not get to have recess.
Jenny:That's rough.
Caitlin:It is rough, okay, so, besides the fact that they're not being able to get their energy out, they are now contained in the box, that is, the cafeteria, for an extended amount of time, because they finish their food in the same amount of time, expecting to have 20 minutes to play right I'm picturing, like remember those models of like I like ions and atoms like bouncing when you heat them up and they would start to bounce all over the box.
Jenny:That's really what I'm picturing in my head. Oh, and that's how it is. Oh, I know, I've been there, I've done it.
Caitlin:So we have had to come up with some ways to do indoor recess. Trivia is a favorite, and so each table gets to answer, just like bar trivia, and we collect all the trivia for 13 year olds yes. Bar trivia for 13 year olds yes. So anyway, we, we pick up the sheets and then the team that has the most right answers gets a little prize. Most of the time it's just a dress down day or something, something that costs $0. Right.
Jenny:Mm, hmm.
Caitlin:So we did trivia, then we did riddles, but instead of having them solve the riddles at their tables, we had them solve them by grade. Oh, so the whole grade would get a prize. Okay, I totally cheated and made seventh grade win and everyone's like uh, you picked seventh grade. I'm like, yep, yeah, I did, I'll pick eighth grade next time seventh graders are the best. Yeah, I think so anyway, when we got to friday, oh dear, I was out of tricks.
Caitlin:Yeah, the room is vibrating and we still have 15 more minutes before we can release these kids to their poor teachers, oh man. So not only are they high energy, we're borderline sending them early, right, right. So I start scrolling, end up in a reddit thread, describe a movie badly and start reading these descriptions to the kids. So let's do a couple. Okay, now I'm ready. These are all disney movies. Okay, um, I have built a character um for myself at school. That involves I'm obsessed with Disney.
Jenny:Yeah, which, maybe I might be, I don't know.
Caitlin:Okay, so the first one is this movie proves that cats don't always land on their feet.
Jenny:Well, I mean Aristocats is the one that first comes to mind, but that may not be it. It's the Lion King. Stop that's bad. It's the Lion King. Stop that's bad. That's a mean one. Oh man, oh my gosh, that's awful but hilarious, Right, Okay.
Caitlin:A woman takes a nap to avoid doing chores for men.
Jenny:Snow White, snow White, that's that, the fact that she just goes into a house and she's, like I know, all tidy. I hate that, gosh. The 50s were a different time. Wait, is that even earlier?
Caitlin:Yeah, sleeping. Beauty was 59, so no, I think Snow White was 1939. It lost the Oscar to Gone with the Wind.
Jenny:Oh, yes, okay, All right, okay Okay.
Caitlin:The final one I'll give you. Okay, a woman takes a nap and a man ruins it.
Jenny:Oh, sleeping Beauty. Yeah, have you seen her skin in that? She was so calm and rested?
Caitlin:Yeah, because she was like 14 or 16. She's 16.
Jenny:Yeah, snow White is 14. Okay, and Ariel is also 16.
Caitlin:That's how we handled indoor recess.
Jenny:I read it perfect. I was waiting for you to be like. I started reading from the aita. That might be next week. You know what you could or you could buzzfeed, quiz them that would be fun too there's some like good geography ones. You could do buzzfeed, quiz them and see what happens.
Caitlin:That's amazing.
Jenny:Okay, Mine is not nearly as cool as yours, but my son is in basketball and sometimes I have my headphones in to make it look like I'm listening to something. But I'm really just listening to the people around me and just like kind of muffling the sound a little bit because it's a little bit loud. I love this about you. It's a lot. It's just too much noise for me.
Caitlin:No, no, no the idea that I'm putting my headphones in but I'm listening to people. But I'm listening to people. I am 100% eavesdropping on your conversation right now, but you don't know it, oh yeah.
Jenny:Every time. So there's a very gregarious person who shows up at these games and I'm assuming that the child is on my son's team. But I haven't matched the man to the child yet, right, but I hear him and this is all I heard of the conversation at the basketball game. So I got in trouble with my son's crossing guard yesterday. Normally it's just like hey, hey, cross here in the crosswalk, but like, if you're actually getting in trouble with the crossing guard, what did you do?
Caitlin:Well, and also those crossing guards like they take their job real seriously.
Jenny:Well, that's like the voter registration.
Caitlin:People Right? Oh, it's like hey, I have been waiting 80 years for this gig, Do not get in my way like, hey, I have been waiting 80 years for this gig, do not get in my way.
Jenny:So yeah, I don't know what he did that. He got himself in trouble with the crossing guard, but it made me like I was again pretending not to listen, right, but I cackled oh, this podcast is very right, exactly so I. So I had to like pretend you know, so embarrassing and stupid, but that's exactly what I did. So there you go. Okay, that was fun, thank you. Thank you for the learningness. Now I need to go do the things with my monies.
Caitlin:I have some news. So I'm going to take some time off from the show, but the show is not going to take time off from you. I am going to work on this knee it's so bad ACL, mcl, both meniscus and I am currently in prehab. Hopefully I'll have surgery very soon and then I will be working my way back to walking. And just this morning I looked at John and said am I ever going to sit cross-legged again? And he said yeah, you'll be able to. You'll be able to. I was like good, because that's my favorite way to sit, and I realized like crisscross applesauce on the floor yeah, you do like sitting like that in chairs?
Caitlin:is that a sentence like what's your favorite way to sit? But yes, I have one?
Jenny:yeah, yeah, you do like that, but um, so she's gonna work on getting her knee back to the normal bending bent, whatever that is, and I will have some guests and maybe a solo episode or two. I haven't figured out how that's going to totally all come together, because I'm only funny with other people, so I mean I crack myself up, but I'm a lot funnier when someone else is around. So I'll make it work, but she's going gonna take some time and she might be here when she feels up to it, but in the meantime we're all just gonna be sending you all the best while you try and get your knee not blown up.
Caitlin:What's the opposite. My boss called it my hinge. That's what it is. Yeah, he's like how's your hinge going? It's bad. And then he well, at least you'll hit your deductible this year.
Jenny:Hey, get it. My gum stuff doesn't even count as part of my deductible, so there you go Like. I know.
Caitlin:It's elective. It's elective, sorry.
Jenny:Wow, you guys are going to miss her, huh. Oh, make good choices and find a high-yield savings account. Bye Bye.