How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK
Hey there! We’re Caitlin and Jenny (she/her). We host How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK, AKA the CK & GK Podcast. Our show is dedicated to any mom who's ever looked around and thought, "I need an adultier-adult than me to handle this."
We're moms just like you, navigating the everyday chaos and unexpected surprises. We bring a relatable and humorous perspective to parenting, drawing on our own experiences and sharing honest, practical advice you can actually use in your own life.
We aim to create a supportive and entertaining space where listeners can learn, laugh, and connect with other adults who are just trying to figure it all out. By offering relatable stories, expert advice, and a healthy dose of humor, we hope to empower listeners to embrace the ups and downs of adulthood with confidence and a positive attitude.
Caitlin and Jenny are based in Austin, Texas. They're both married to cool people and parents to cool kids. Caitlin is a former middle school teacher and Jenny is a middle school assistant principal. They're besties who love to laugh.
How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK
28 Useful Things Every Mom Should Keep in Her Car
Let's be real—moms are always on the go! And while our cars are essential for getting us from point A to point B, they can quickly become chaotic and disorganized, and yet somehow not have the items we need when we need them!
In this episode, Jenny and I dive deep into the must-have items every mom should keep in her car. We're talking beyond the basics—think sanity-saving snacks, unexpected emergencies, and stuff for those 'oh-crap' moments that inevitably arise.
Who Should Listen
This episode is for any mom who's tired of being caught off guard by life's little (and big!) surprises. We'll help you transform your car into a mom mobile that's always prepared for anything.
What You Get In This Episode
- Identify car must-haves: Learn about the essential items every mom should keep in her car for convenience, safety, and sanity.
- Say goodbye to "oh-crap" moments: Be prepared for unexpected situations with a well-stocked car.
- Transform your car into a mom-mobile: Organize your car efficiently and make every journey smoother and more enjoyable.
Jenny and I are moms just like you, navigating the everyday chaos and surprises. We bring a relatable and humorous perspective to parenting, drawing on our own experiences and sharing honest, practical advice you can actually use in your own life.
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View our website at ckandgkpodcast.com. Find us on social media @ckandgkpodcast on
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Thanks, y'all!
Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, tuesday what it's? A car episode.
Caitlin:Oh, okay, I'm a car, you're a car. Yeah, I'm a fast car, vroom, vroom. Are you channeling our previous episode that I ended with that really uncomfortable. Never mind, we're going to.
Jenny GK:I mean, that's what actually spurred this idea.
Caitlin:Oh, okay, great.
Jenny GK:Not really uncomfortable. Never mind, we're gonna we're.
Caitlin:I mean, that's what actually spurred this idea.
Jenny GK:Oh okay, great, not really, but let me anyhow go back to 137 and just put it on like minute 45, you'll be fine.
Caitlin:Yeah, last five minutes, you got this okay. Welcome to how to be a grown-up. This is the show that helps adults be real, live grown-ups for real life. We're so glad you're here. Jenny got a new car recently and has realized that there were quite a few things that she just like had in the car that now she doesn't have in the new car.
Jenny GK:I don't have in the new car.
Caitlin:So she and I thought it'd be a great idea to brainstorm a list of things that you should keep in your car, because everybody uses their car as like a second home right or garbage dump.
Jenny GK:Some people do that well, and here's the thing, I had the same car for a lot of years, yes, and then got a new one, and the way that I got rid of the old one was not like a nice little transition sale thing, it was like a hey, this car just got totaled and you have to go clean it out in a hurry before we take it yeah, that's hard, so I didn't really like go through all the stuff that was in there and now I'm starting to realize like there's a lot of stuff that I don't have.
Jenny GK:but before we get to that, I need to introduce my co-host, caitlin the rearview view mirror, cause I just can't take that on his offer.
Caitlin:Oh my gosh. Well, that's or.
Jenny GK:Caitlin the rear view mirror, because I always need to keep an eye on her.
Caitlin:Oh, I like that one more, but it's probably the first one. I'm not. I really am afraid of being in trouble, Probably more than real. Okay, Um, that's Jenny, my resilient towering Redwood. I know these are, I'm getting some good ones. I'm I'm, I'm coming up with some. That is good.
Jenny GK:That is really good. Yeah, can I be that Redwood? That's big enough that you drive a car through it.
Caitlin:Yeah, have you been to the? Have you gone to the Redwoods before? And?
Jenny GK:seen that.
Caitlin:Oh, you have to go. You've got to go see them. They're amazing. There's, I think, just that like Christmas time. Some photographer went and took pictures of it while it was snowing there, and the pictures are amazing. I'll find them and I'll send them to you. They're absolutely gorgeous. Okay, that's amazing. Should we get into?
Jenny GK:it. So things that out into three categories. Oh you know I love some categories. Convenience, I do like categories. I like a table yeah, I'm a data person yeah, I'm big into tables. Spreadsheets, yeah. So convenience, huh. Safety, oh and sanity.
Caitlin:I like this. Okay, okay, I like you know, what this makes me think of is like when we were talking about digital decluttering, and when you just like, made categories for yourself and then just drop, like according yes.
Jenny GK:Oh, whatever makes sense to you.
Caitlin:Yes, okay, so good Okay.
Jenny GK:Here is the thing there are some things that people are always keeping in their car, and I am not spending a lot of time saying those things, no, but there are some things on here that everyone always has in their car and yet I realized I didn't, because I hadn't had time to accumulate them. Oh, the first of that being paper napkins. Why?
Caitlin:paper napkins.
Jenny GK:Okay, so here's the thing. I had, that cute little thing of tissues, uh-huh, and tissues are great, they're soft.
Caitlin:I know this's always running.
Jenny GK:I always need a tissue yeah, but here's the thing with the tissue it does not handle the lake from tipping your water bottle over. It does not handle the sticky, that's on the seat, it just sticks to it so I am a paper napkin person because I just get them when I go through and get a coffee or go through a drive through whatever yeah, and then you can just have them.
Caitlin:So, rather than throwing them away.
Jenny GK:I always stick them in the center console.
Caitlin:Well, I didn't have any and guess what?
Jenny GK:we spilled a water bottle and there was nothing we could do with it. Oh, now, if you happen to care more about the planet, you can use microfiber cloth, but again, you have to put them in your car before you need them.
Caitlin:Right. And that, who's doing that Right? Not I, so just be thinking about that Now.
Jenny GK:In the same vein, baby wipes are a great addition, but they are no substitute for something absorbent. This is true. Okay, tissues are not going to clean up a mess. They will help you wipe your nose, they are soft and squishy and lovely, but they are not going to help absorb anything. They just turn into that wet tissue mush.
Caitlin:Oh sick. My son dropped a tissue into the sink the other day because he was eating at the coffee table and there's tissues and he was using a tissue as a napkin. So when he put his dishes in the sink he put. I was like why is there wet tissue in my sink? This is so gross, oh, so nasty. This is grody Okay.
Jenny GK:Okay, the next one. Okay. Paper insurance card, yes, agree, okay, so we don't need a paper insurance card? No, if you happen to live in the state of Texas, your local law enforcement agency can look up your insurance without even coming to your car first, right, they just, by the time they've pulled you over and walked over and asked for your license.
Caitlin:They already know if you have insurance or not and if not, they can scan that thing on the front of your car too. They can find it, yeah.
Jenny GK:But here's the deal when you are in this little fender bender and you're on your way home from work or, in my case case, you're on your way to work in my brand new car the last thing you want to do is be digging through your e-wallet or, even worse, logging into your insurance company's website trying to pull down your proof of insurance. Just put off the paper one, even if it's expired. At least it's a good start. Yeah, put the paper card in it agree okay, umbrella yes, I also realized.
Jenny GK:I knew that after it started raining.
Caitlin:Oh now, yes, it has not gotten cold enough here, but I'm putting an ice scraper in my car too I cannot function without one of those in my car, because I grew up driving in colorado and I had like it was and the one I had even had a mitten attached to it so I'd hold the little stick and there's a mitten around. I know it's amazing. It was one of those really great stocking stuffers. My mom is so good at those, she got it from Eddie Bauer. I'm sure they still exist.
Jenny GK:Okay. So, speaking of mitten, it's called a glove box for a reason. Put two pairs of gloves in there. Why two? Okay, two Warmth inducing glove, the normal gloves that you wear when it's cold outside. Because I'm telling you, especially if you live in a state like Texas where it's not cold that often, you're going to want those gloves and you're going to say to yourself man, I wish I had a pair of gloves in my car, in the glove box. Now you do, you're welcome. The other one is a pair of latex gloves.
Caitlin:Because, gross.
Jenny GK:Something is going to happen and you're not going to want to touch it. So here's the thing your future, cold and grossed out selves, will thank you for putting two pairs of gloves in the glove box.
Caitlin:Do you remember putting? I had latex gloves at the early stages of the pandemic, when I needed to get gas I would use latex gloves. And then, because you and I have been screened in universal, like care, whatever that is called universal, what is that called Precautions?
Jenny GK:Yeah, oh, I know exactly, I yelled at a teacher.
Jenny GK:Yeah, I know exactly how to take them off and I yelled at her in the moment and I didn't yell, I was just very forceful in my language. There was a child who was injured and bleeding and this teacher was doing the right thing by coming to his aid, but she was touching him and I was like no, you need to put on gloves, yeah, and she came to me later and she was like I just want to apologize. I was like, oh no, no, I'm so sorry that I came off that way. I was telling you that you need to protect you yourself I yeah, this was not about the kid.
Jenny GK:This was about me saying, as your boss, I do not want you to be exposed to something when you can prevent yourself. Here's a pair of gloves, put them on. This kid is going to be fine right, yeah, no he's not bleeding out, he was just covered in blood. But it was too funny that she came to find me later. She was like I hope you're not mad. I was like oh no, I'm sorry. I was telling you like, go take care of yourself.
Caitlin:Like yeah, but in trouble, that's smart to put both of those in your. Okay, I got it.
Jenny GK:Yep, you're getting me. Um, here's another thing for convenience be bougie, get a second car charger, so I have a phone cord for me, but I also have a teenage daughter, so we have two phone char churches and it feels really nice.
Caitlin:That is nice and you need to like. So my car's old, my car's from 2012. So I don't have like a charging port in my car, I have to like 2012. I've totaled two cars since 2012. I know it's only my second car. Well, I mean, my first car was a 1975 MGB. One of those beautiful little British convertibles was so cute. The most impractical thing on the planet for Colorado. Okay, so right. And then I had a Mazda Protege, which I loved, but I drove that thing for years. Like I got married in that car and I got that car in high school. So, like I, it just was really nice to not have a car payment. And now I don't have a car payment, so I don't want to get a new car, but it's time for a new car. Anyway, the point is, I would need to get one of those ports that has two chargers. Yeah, so you're also telling me then that the chargers that I have for the old BlackBerry that are still in my car most likely probably need to go?
Jenny GK:Yeah, you can parts those. Yeah, okay, is that what you're?
Caitlin:saying yeah, you can part those yeah, okay, responsibly, of course.
Jenny GK:I'm a coffee drinker and I realized once I got to school one day that I had had multiple cups of coffee on the way to school.
Caitlin:And had dragon breath. Oh yeah, Dragon breath.
Jenny GK:No mints, no gum.
Caitlin:Oh, put mints and gum in your car. Oh, definitely do that, and I would recommend something that's like in a tin or something, so it doesn't melt.
Jenny GK:Get all gross.
Caitlin:Dry mints. You need something like that. Otherwise they get gross. Okay, All right. What about like other? Like I am a. This lighting is amazing because I have my sunroof. I can now see this chin hair person, so I have car tweezers. Do you have car tweezers?
Jenny GK:That's amazing, get car tweezers.
Caitlin:Do you have car tweezers? That's amazing, get car tweezers.
Jenny GK:I do not have the car tweezers, but I have a multi-tool that has tweezers on it, so does that count Okay?
Caitlin:Okay, I think that should count, but I also. So I have car tweezers, I have car chapstick.
Jenny GK:My husband always has nail clippers in his car.
Caitlin:Yes, car, chapstick car nail clippers and car.
Jenny GK:This is me again vanity.
Caitlin:I have like a car lip stain kind of thing that doesn't. It's not. Oh yeah, it's already a little perk up just for, like when I'm looking a little dead before I go to yes and I just I'll put on my lips and then I'll put on my cheeks and just rub it all.
Caitlin:Yeah, who knows, depending on who you're talking to, it might be safety, so just put those in there too. But I also I was thinking about this. I literally bought a bag like just the other day, thinking I need to put, like I need to corral these things because they're all over the place in my car and I can't stand it, so I need to just put them all into one place.
Jenny GK:My dad was always really organized. We're going to talk about that a little bit later, okay? Um, his still is. He's not gone. Yeah, his car is very organized and he has like special containers that fit in different hidey holes of his cars so that you don't see them yes, also he has measured the space between the floor and the bottom of the seat so he can like fit a tupperware in? Yeah, of course he is no that's extra okay apple.
Caitlin:I also for convenience, when I was changing a kid to a diapers, I also had diapers in my car, regular diaper, just always in the car. I had a a little potty that was in the back, like in the trunk, that I could put there too, and I had a thing of wipes and a changing mat and a change of clothes.
Jenny GK:I always carried it and I always had that in the car.
Caitlin:No, even if it, even if it was like in my diaper bag too, I just had a set in the car and then I could usually that's how I would pick him up I would change him before I picked him up from, like I grab him, change him in the car, and then we would get in the car and go home that way. I also knew it wasn't going to be stinky on the car on the way home. But uh, I just thought about something else for convenience too, and now I can't think of it. We'll come back to this.
Jenny GK:Come back to it, okay. Next grouping is safety. Now, first aid kit question mark. Like those first aid kits that you buy for your car, like most of the stuff in there, you're never going to use. Yeah, so maybe make the first aid kit yourself. You need some band-aids, you need some alcohol wipes, you need some kind of cream for itching or um, that one that starts with an n and helps with pain and bacteria oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it starts with an n and ends with n yes, yes, um, and then, um, a couple of those pink allergy pills that you take when you might be allergic to something like you can throw those in a bag and gloves and with the gloves, exactly there you go.
Jenny GK:I don't, I have never used an entire first aid kit, and some of the things that they put in there it's cute, right, like, oh, they put a little blanket in there that's made out of tinfoil For when you're stranded in the woods. I have shock Right, woods, shock right, yeah, no, no, yeah, no, I don't need all that stuff, okay, um, you need that escape tool. You know the one I'm talking about.
Jenny GK:It cuts through a seat oh, yeah, it has like a little hammer and you can break the glass like, yeah, that's something that you buy at one time and you put in every car you have from then on. Yeah, you just move it from car to car, it and, if you're lucky, you never use it. Yep, and then everything that you need to change a tire these nails don't change tires.
Jenny GK:Well, here's the thing. My car came with a spare tire, a jack. I added a pressure gauge. It came with a tire iron. It did not come with a knee pad, something that I can kneel on, and it did not come with the number one thing I need to change a tire which is a AAA card USA, because I'm not doing it myself.
Caitlin:These nails do not change tires. Just say that now.
Jenny GK:I have a rule about changing tire. I will do it if I am alone and it is daylight, but if I have a kid in the car, no, or it is dark. I'm calling triple a. I do not want to. I have seen a christmas story enough times to know that I don't need a kid helping me nope, I just watched that just the other day yeah and I just no. So triple a card is the number one thing I need to change a card.
Caitlin:Okay, um gloves yes, we already talked about this above.
Jenny GK:Yes, okay, um, now, when I was growing up I told you my dad is super organized. Yes, okay, he, he like hand launders his free t-shirts that he got 25 years ago but he can still wear them because they're in such great care.
Caitlin:Um, he sorts his firewood by variety of tree oh, so you can like decide when you're having a fire on the back patio oh he's got categories for his categories oh, he can lose time like no one.
Jenny GK:Yeah, this will take me 45 minutes. Two and a half days later, he emerges from the garage. No, okay so, but here's the thing when we lived in michigan, our car had a candle in a coffee can, and this is back when coffee cans were metal folders can and they had a little plastic lid on top okay, it made sense for the time.
Jenny GK:Yeah, because you can use it as a heat source, you can use it as a light source, you can melt snow with it and make water. I don't need a candle and a coffee can. But what I do have and can get me a long way we talked about earlier is a multi-tool and a set of matches. Oh, okay, so the multi-tool I have has, like pull-out tweezers, pull-out toothpick, it's got a corkscrew on it, it's got all the things that you would need in a pinch and it just hangs out in the car. Need in a pinch and it just hangs out in the car and a box of matches will get you almost as far as a candle and a coffee can.
Caitlin:Okay, I'm just thinking. This is me and my intrusive thoughts coming in. What if I'm in a car accident and there's like fuel leakage and I'm matches Like am I just doing something stupid?
Jenny GK:Okay, no, because your car has an internal combustion engine, unless it's electric, which at that point you wouldn't have a fuel leakage anyway. That, like your spark plugs, their job is to create sparks, oh, okay. So, you're good, you're good yeah. And actually you can even put the matches inside a tin. There we go, so that you don't get wet and they are protected.
Caitlin:Okay, Thank you Again. Intrusive thoughts.
Jenny GK:Yeah, now the multi-tool I have has like a little slide out that you put the matches in and you slide it back in oh smart, yeah, I want this multi-tool.
Jenny GK:Yeah, it's from REI or something, it's like a camping one. Okay, great, a flashlight. Now we all know you have a flashlight on your phone. That's fine, but, like here's the thing, even better than a flashlight is a headlamp. Because if you are in a place where you're having to look for things like you might actually be digging through your car trying to find your tire gauge or whatever it's nice to have free hands Headlamp, and we have a set of headlamps that charge with USB. I've put them in maybe twice in my entire life.
Jenny GK:They hold a charge forever and you're only using them for, you know, a couple of seconds of time Now. When I had a water leak in the house a few weeks ago, I was wearing the headlamp while I used a steak knife to cut through the wall and try.
Caitlin:I love that you had the headlamp, but not the other tools you needed to get into. Oh no, I was.
Jenny GK:I was not going to waste time trying to find a utility knife. I was like I know the serrated blade will cut right through drywall. So I grab a steak knife and I start cutting. John comes down the stairs, he's like what are you doing? I'm going to find this link.
Caitlin:I'm rehearsing for the new scary movie that we're going to be filming in the house. It's called Mom Goes Crazy. Yes.
Jenny GK:Right, I did not spend all that time as a certified mold assessment consultant to like just let mold grow in my house.
Caitlin:That's true. Also, headlamps moms, dads, parents of any type. Headlamps are really helpful when you need to sneak into your kid's room in the middle of the night to cut their toenails and fingernails. Just saying, my mom used to do that all the time with my brother and my sisters and you would just see like when I shared with my brother, you would just see like this little headlamp come in and I'm like, oh, she's trimming fingernails I knew it, but she, she swore by it.
Jenny GK:It was brilliant so that's hilarious, yeah, okay. So for those fingers, a little hand sanitizer, yes, and not in your first aid kit where you have to dig it out.
Caitlin:No, easily accessible in like a seat pocket or something Right there and I have one in the front.
Jenny GK:I didn't have hand sanitizer. Luckily I had some in my purse, but I needed some and it wasn't available.
Caitlin:No, I have some in the front of my car and some in the back of my car. Sam has his own and I have mine Like no, we are not. I'm not playing around.
Jenny GK:Not sunscreen, oh really, Not even the sunscreen in the tube in like the chapstick tube. Oh, I love that, but it degrades in heat. So if you buy it and you put it in your car, it's like it's worse than not having sunscreen because you think you have it on. Oh, that's the worst kind of sunscreen, the kind of sunscreen that you think is on and actually is on.
Caitlin:Okay, but okay. So what about a sun shade? I feel like that is something we haven't talked about yet, because it gets so hot here that, like I would think and I'm it's interesting that this is coming to my mind now with safety but like when you touch that steering wheel in Texas, it'll burn you. It's like, oh my gosh, there's, there's projections having fireworks, there's fireworks happening behind me because of the camera.
Caitlin:Um, yeah, yeah, if you have a Mac you probably know what I'm talking about, where you've randomly made like a thumbs up happen and it'll just pop up on your screen Anyway, uh, I'm just thinking like the the steering wheel has like burned my hands, like it's been where I'm like only driving touching the bottom of the steering wheel because it hurts to touch it. So if I have a sunshade, I would think that anyway, well, my new car is yet another Subie.
Jenny GK:Yes, of course, and uh, of course, like I'm going to drive them till I die. Yeah, um, because also I've been in two total loss accidents and walked away from both of them.
Caitlin:Right, no, I'm. That's so part of why I'm sold on the next one, because I know you haven't died in those accidents.
Jenny GK:So it's like like a Volvo and this last one was real bad, like we got pushed up on the median. Yeah, that was bad and it wasn't my fault, which is really nice. Yeah, that was bad and it wasn't my fault, which is really nice, yeah, anyway. So, but this car, because it is a Subaru, has a heated steering wheel. Yes, oh, I want a new car. So bad, and I just so wish that it was a cooled one, yeah.
Caitlin:Yeah, that would be really nice.
Jenny GK:But, like the Texas Subaru crowd is never going to be louder than the colorado subaru crowd, so they're not going to air condition the steering wheel uh, steering wheel, but it would be really nice I did discover my dog.
Caitlin:What do?
Jenny GK:you have your dog yeah, your dog yeah she's real upset. My kids are outside playing and she's not invited.
Caitlin:There's no fixing that nope, there's life, this is life.
Jenny GK:People, yeah, no, yeah, okay I'll let it out when I can, but sorry guys, if you just have a dog yeah, all right if you're, if you have a dog, you understand, so whatever, um, what about?
Caitlin:okay, so we got the, the steer, the shade, that's fine, so not sunscreen. What else would you say needs to go under the safety piece?
Jenny GK:okay, don't take your manual out of the car. I know it, it sounds really dumb, but like I realized no, I learned who's doing that?
Jenny GK:That multiple people. They take it out so they have more room in the glove box and they're like I don't know where my manual is, but it's fine, because I don't use my, I don't fix my own car. No, you need it, so leave that in there. But the other thing you want to add for the safety jumper cables oh yeah, I already hear it. I already hear it, but I don't know how to use it and I'm not going to jump my own car.
Caitlin:Someone knows how.
Jenny GK:Yes, you are. Because here's the thing it is a lot easier to go into the local business and say, hey, my car is dead, I need a jump and hold up the cables. Yeah, someone will help you, someone will help you. The only way that they get to say no at this point is I don't know how to jump right. If you have the cables, their car can help you. The other thing is you can be a he. I have done. You can give the cables to someone else who needs them.
Caitlin:I have done this. I have said I do not know how to do it, but I have the cables and you can have the cables and they'll say yes, thank you.
Jenny GK:So there you go. I have done that. Um, also, you can learn to jump a car. It is a very easy thing to do, as long as you remember that one of the black gator valves goes on unpainted metal. Okay, the rest of it you can handle. It's red to red, red to red, black to black, black to unpainted metal.
Caitlin:There needs to be some sort of mnemonic device to help me remember that uh, we'll come up with one.
Jenny GK:Okay, great, but thanks I have. I have jumped enough cars like you can learn to do this and I'm not mechanically minded anyway, moving on. Okay, speaking of minded, let's talk about what I'm keeping in my car for my sanity. Number one this sounds ridiculous, but a deck of cards.
Jenny GK:Yes, I keep a deck of playing cards, and that was actually one of the first things I put in my car. I was like, oh, don't forget about my car cards, right, okay, I forget about handitizer or mints or my insurance card, but dang.
Caitlin:I got those, but I got that ace of spades in there guys?
Jenny GK:yeah, oh man, here's the thing. Anytime you are at a place where there's some waiting, this is a family friendly, low-key, no impact on the community good call, you're absolutely right so um, I actually made sure that john also has a play a deck of cards in his car.
Jenny GK:That's hysterical, yes, like you're sitting at a restaurant waiting on food or we like to go to breweries, we're sitting there having a beer, the kids are playing. We can play cards, but also it's nice to know that, wherever you are, there's something that you can do with the kids that's not intrusive to others. I love heads up. It's a fun game and play it on your phone, right, but it does get annoying to other people around you. Yeah, absolutely no one's like man. Look at a family over there playing, go fish. What's their problem?
Caitlin:like no one does that. No one says yeah, you're right, that's very true okay um a couple of empty plastic grocery. Oh for, like wet dry bags and stuff, right.
Jenny GK:Yeah, you need a waterproof-ish place to put dirty or wet or nasty things. Yes, some cars like, oh, I have this really fancy trash can. That's amazing, that's great, did you? Line it first. But you need to line it, and I can't tell you how many times I have had something that is wet but not disposable. I'm like, oh, what am I going to do?
Caitlin:with this nasty wet swimsuit. Oh, throw it in a plastic bag. That's a good call you just made me-.
Jenny GK:We went to the splash pad and now your clothes are soaking wet. You're going to ride home in your underwear and I'm putting your wet t-shirt and shorts in this bag.
Caitlin:Yeah, you're right. Yeah, okay, I gotcha. You just reminded me, though, of what I was thinking of earlier Uh, non-plastic grocery bags, those reusable grocery bags that everybody has a million of put.
Jenny GK:Just put them in your car, yeah, and they just sit in your pantry. No, they have to go in your car.
Caitlin:Yeah, put them in your car, otherwise they don't do any good Okay.
Jenny GK:Go for it. I have one that says I'm saving the planet. What are you doing?
Caitlin:I'm still holding out for the selena heb bag.
Jenny GK:I haven't gotten one yet I'll bring it back.
Caitlin:I think they do it every year, don't they?
Jenny GK:I'm sure they do okay. So here's the thing if you are a sport parent or a grown-up who happens to know small children that play sports, here's some things that you are always having in your car a folding chair amen to that so I put a folding chair in the new car and then we went on vacation.
Jenny GK:We took it out to make room for suitcases. We forgot to put it back in. Guess what? I already needed it and I didn't have it. Oh, the folding chair is important. It's like your visa never leave home without it um Hoping to be sponsored. Yeah right.
Jenny GK:Oh man, wouldn't it be nice to be sponsored by a credit card company. Yes, okay. So I also just learned. I think it was. Sabrina Carpenter had a deal with Samsung where she wasn't allowed to like touch any non-Samsung devices. So like if someone said, hey, will you take a selfie with me? And they had an iPhone, she wasn't allowed what.
Caitlin:I would be okay with that kind of brand deal.
Jenny GK:Apple, I'm looking at you okay, so my kids play sports that use, uh, footballs.
Caitlin:Yes, the name of the sport is called football, um the name of the sport, so it's called football, I think, sports ball so we have um air pump and needles in both cars.
Jenny GK:Yes, not for in case you have a flat tire, but in case you have like a hand pump or like oh no no, no, the one that plugs into your oh yeah, smart, okay, got it um, because, uh, tom brady's ball is not getting in the way of our practice.
Jenny GK:No, deflate gate here. No, okay. And the other thing is electrolyte powder, so like the drink that was invented by a school in Florida and it's named after their mascot. Yes, they make single serving pouches that you just put in a water bottle. I'm not keeping a water bottle in my car. Okay, this is Texas. It's going to get hot. The plastic is going to melt into the water. It's disgusting, but when we go to sports practice we have a water bottle.
Caitlin:Right, so now we can just put the powder. Yeah, exactly, and you don't have to worry about those taking up a junk load of space in your car. Those are just so small. Yeah, perfect.
Jenny GK:Um, the other thing is I have a throwaway poncho in my car. Oh, it is easier to negotiate than an umbrella, depending on where you're going, if you go over a backpack or over your purse. And, um, if you happen to have that plastic grocery bag, you can throw the wet poncho in the bag and bring it home and dry it out. If not, you can throw the wet poncho in the bag and bring it home and dry it out. If not, you just start away. Yeah, you just start with smart. Okay, I like that. I am very impulsive, me too. And if I am hungry and I don't have something that I want to eat, oh I'm going to get something that I do.
Jenny GK:So I keep a shelf-stable snack that I actually like in the car and I am not talking about some crunchy mom like bar situations like oh yeah, it's made out of all natural grape nuts or whatever. No, it's only pecan husks. I'm not eating that. So I have in the car a sleeve of almonds because I like those. Yeah. I gotcha do the stock a bag of doritos. Yes, right, if that's, if that's what's going to keep you from spending seven dollars on chicken nuggets right exactly, yeah, okay.
Jenny GK:Um, I always have a little mad money in my car, just enough for gas or snacks in case like I'm out somewhere and realize, oh my gosh, I left my wallet at home, or whatever. It's not enough for me to want to spend it when we're out and about.
Caitlin:Right, it's like 15 bucks at most or right and it's, and it's not enough for me to want to spend it when we're out and about. Right, it's like 15 bucks at most or right and it's, and it's in cash.
Jenny GK:Yeah, yes, yes, okay, but finally the thing that I keep in my car and has saved me multiple times, and yet my family continues to make fun of me for it.
Caitlin:Our office supplies oh yeah, everybody needs stuff like that. That's normal right.
Jenny GK:Everybody's got pen or maybe the back of an envelope where you can write a note or something. Yeah, but the two things that I have used multiple times, a pair of scissors and scotch tape but do you know how many times we have driven to the birthday party? Without the present.
Caitlin:Yes, or you're like oh, I'll just wrap it, I'll just put it in a bag, I'll pick it up on the way.
Jenny GK:No, so then I don't have to put it in a bag. Yeah, I'm wrapping it with actual paper because I have scissor and I have tape.
Caitlin:I have never thought about that. You're absolutely right, dude. That's brilliant. It works for me every time. That is amazing.
Jenny GK:So there you go guys, scissors and tape, put it in your car. I like it.
Caitlin:Everybody needs car scissors. Car tweezers and car scissors Perfect Multi-tool. Let's take a break, okay. Scissors Perfect Multi-tool. Let's take a break. Okay, for links to resources mentioned in this episode. Head on over to ckandgkpodcastcom slash blog to find everything you need, and be sure to follow us on social media. Head over to your favorite social media network and find us at CK and GK podcast. And now back to the show.
Jenny GK:Okay, we're back.
Caitlin:I like how now your dog has stopped barking.
Jenny GK:Right, she's the worst. And the thing is, the barking that she's doing is not actual bark. It's like this yip, yeah, like, please, can I play with you, please, please, please, can I come outside? It's not like an aggressive bark. She can bark, she's a German Shepherd. She has that bark that comes down from her toes, yeah, that like wakes you up in the night. Right, this is the but, but. But you're outside, yeah and I'm a dog.
Caitlin:Yeah, exactly, oh, yikes, okay, okay obsession.
Jenny GK:I am planning these notes with abigail and I said to her what are my obsessions this week and she was like, oh, you could do on behalf of me. I'm obsessed with cucumber salad.
Caitlin:Okay, like the TikTok viral recipe that everyone was into.
Jenny GK:So there is this viral recipe yes, that has cream cheese and smoked salmon. And she was like, yeah, I kind of changed it a little bit. Okay, caitlyn, she changed it. It is a completely different recipe. The only thing is the same that it has cucumbers in it what else is in it?
Caitlin:I want to know what she puts in it.
Jenny GK:So she puts rice wine, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, um red pepper flake and sesame seeds. It's a completely different recipe. She showed me the video of the guy making it. I was like that's not what you're making. She's like no, no, no. What I'm making is better. I changed it a little bit.
Caitlin:Does she have anything else in it, or is it just those things with cucumbers? It's just cucumbers.
Jenny GK:Just cucumbers and that dressing. Okay, you didn't change the recipe. You're making a different recipe. It's pizza, but like I don't use crust or sauce or cheese, um, instead I just like make a steak right, I just put salami on a plate and I call it charcuterie it's like yes, abby, and you know her obsession with cucumber salad had us trying to find a cucumber at a gas station because she had leftover dressing what?
Caitlin:oh yeah, in her car salad, yeah, but no, but not a cucumber, right? Do you have a knife in your car, or is she just gonna like dip it and bite it?
Jenny GK:um, she was planning to bite it and spit it because it's a single serving cucumber salad. No one else is gonna want to eat it, so she's gonna just bite off pieces and put them in the bowl. No, that's disgusting Just so you know, bucky does not carry cucumbers any longer Shocking, he used to, though. There's a very famous story of Abby asking can we get this cucumber? And John and I saying no, you are not buying a gas station cucumber.
Caitlin:She looks us in the eye and licks it like, yep, I love her. Okay, um, my other love is snoopy. You know, I like snoopy. I I don't know if it's like I've just gotten older and I just am like into the peanuts now, but like for whatever reason.
Jenny GK:Have you seen that? It's like someone's tag around town. No, but like someone is oh yeah no, it's not me Especially well I'm glad, but like especially on Burn it, like there's a lot of Snoopies.
Caitlin:Okay, well it's. I don't know if, like, the peanuts gang is just making a comeback or what, but, like I have. It's like a thing where every holiday, hallmark releases a new like little Snoopy and I pick them up at the HEB, like, or at CVS or whatever. Like, I just like to have them. Well, I wanted to do a hobby that was not eating snacks, because sometimes when I'm bored, I get snackish and it's not because I need to eat, it's because I just need to do something with my hands that isn't doom scroll. So I was like, okay, I need something that I can do that will keep my hands busy, so that I actually, like, shouldn't be eating because it'll get gross, right? So I learned to crochet with that brand that a lot of people are seeing on Instagram ads, thank you, and I crocheted a Snoopy. Oh my gosh, isn't he?
Jenny GK:so cute. Okay, so let me tell you this I have been crocheting since I was 10 years old. I have never made an animal. Really, this has-. I have made many, many blankets and scarves and I've made like little slippers, but I have never made an animal.
Caitlin:That looks really hard made an animal that looks really hard. Good job it was. Um well, and it's fingernails make it harder. I feel like I need to get like something to protect my finger, because sometimes you're forcing the crochet hook through some pretty tight yarn. Yeah, um, but this was like that brand that I'm talking about. They like have video tutorials for how to do everything. They start it for you so you don't have to like know how to do magic loops and then they show you how to do magic loops. So, like this magic loop is mine, like I did this. I made these magic loops to start out with if you know, if you crochet, you know I'm talking about but like it gives you the starter and they give you a little hook. But my crochet hook it came with a little Snoopy, this crochet hook that has the Peanuts characters on it. Like it's so cute, it's so cute.
Caitlin:So I of course went and bought another one, because impulse control is not my thing, but I bought a Woodstock to go with that. And then there's also like a little Santa hat you can put on and, like crochet, a little jacket, like it's just, it's a little out of control, but it's also just. It was fun and it's just, it's a little out of control, but it's also just it was fun and it's a productive hobby.
Jenny GK:The thing I like about crochet not if you're making a blanket save yourself, but for the most part, a lot of crochet projects you can like sit down and do it.
Caitlin:Yeah, and this was. It took me a couple of days to do it and I started it a while ago, but you made an ear Right.
Jenny GK:Exactly, I got a leg right. Um, for me it's like oh, my scarf is like, and some of the things that you're doing. If you're not counting stitches meticulously, you can kind of do it while you're doing something else, yeah, but um, with a blanket. You know it's hours and hours and hours. My mom did a temperature blanket. Have you heard of this?
Jenny GK:yes, where you add in a like a row for the yeah you record the temperature every day for a year and each temperature window represent is represented by a different color by a color and you end up with a striped blanket with 365 stripes, and in her case she put a stripe in between every month and then, um well, that's a border cute idea, but oh, that's, it made two blankets yeah, that are full bed size because and it took her- did she use big, big yarn?
Caitlin:too, and then a year of making it she used the like like standard yarn, yeah, and like a size h hook like pretty like number two pencil yeah, stage yeah standard.
Jenny GK:But yeah, um no, I I love crochet. I I've never attempted something like that. Now I want to try it.
Caitlin:Yeah, it's super cute. Again, it's video tutorials. You get everything in the little thing like they give you like little stuffing to put in there, like everything is there and you could probably I'm guessing I could probably make a second one with the amount of material that they gave me.
Caitlin:Yeah, or something else, yeah, or something else. Once you have the skill right, yeah, they teach you how to read patterns, stuff like that. So, like there's it was. It was pretty cute and it was a. It was a nice little way to like keep my hands busy in that time between Christmas and new year where I needed to do something Right, but but also but I get bored. So, yeah, right.
Jenny GK:Um, when I was pregnant with Abby, I made her a blanket. I didn't like how it turned out, so I made her a second one. When I was pregnant with Kit, I thought about making him a blanket, and his baby pictures are him with a piece of the blanket, because I hadn't finished, he hadn't finished yet, yep, you also had another kid and you were working right.
Caitlin:Different thing I did finish it.
Jenny GK:I did finish it, so he does have a full blanket, but he didn't like it very much so he wouldn't ask my mom to make him a blanket and so um, I didn't.
Jenny GK:I didn't make you a blanket. I made one for Sam and for Lily, but I didn't make one for you because your mom can crochet, yeah, and he was like yeah, but I don't like that one kids. Well, he's old enough to tell her this, so she's like it's not gonna hurt my feelings if she makes him one. It's not like she made him a baby blanket and gave it to him before I could write the one that I was supposed to have made for him.
Jenny GK:So it was totally fine. It was just really funny like, yeah, I don't like it's fine, oh, kids, okay. So that's not even the gem. The gem is earlier in the month we talked about scarf share, skip, yes, game that my family plays. When we look at a cookbook or a magazine or we watch a tv show where there's lots of food, we'll pause it and say, okay, one, two, three, you have to call scarf share or skip. Okay, kiss, marry or kill, yes, because this is a family-friendly show, right, okay. Well, we invented a new one, okay. And this one is for the disney enthusiasts out there, the dorks like us who watch the videos about disney parks. Oh, okay. And we've branched out because john now can um, I don't know if he can yet or if he's like training too, but like he's in the universal program too. So now he's gonna do universal. So we've been watching those videos too, okay, but we've been playing lane line or leave. Would you pay for a lightning lane? Would you stand in line or would you just skip it all together?
Caitlin:I think that's a good one for you guys to play, because when you can get there, you can apply this knowledge to your situation that is a good thing for your people.
Jenny GK:I love that journey for you.
Caitlin:Oh, I love that for you.
Jenny GK:I didn't mean it that way. That's not a recommendation for our listeners.
Caitlin:No, I was just thinking, like you guys, of all people, when you go to the place, you might actually use this. Yeah, okay, I like it.
Jenny GK:It works. Oh, he's right now doing a consultation with a family. Oh, good for him, that's great. Oh, no, he's wanting to go. And when they realize, like no, we're actually not salespeople and we don't make money off whether or not you book, you just make money on the fact that you do book, like we're not going to push you to do more, right, yeah, and we're, we're not here to like charge you anything and we'll do all the legwork for you. It's actually fun for us to sit there on a Saturday morning and dream up your vacation.
Caitlin:Yeah, fun for us to sit there on a Saturday morning and dream up your vacation. Yeah, that's, that's cool.
Jenny GK:It's cool and also like he planned everything for us, like it was great when. I went to land and DCA with him in Anaheim. Yeah, we were there. We were in the parks for one day and I wrote every single thing I wanted to, plus a couple of rides twice.
Caitlin:That's great because he knew how to get it, see, and for us it was like I am someone who gets overwhelmed by all that stuff. So I'm like you tell me what the best things are, and I will probably do that, and then, if I hear this one thing that I want to do, I'll tell you, and then you can make sure I'll tell you and you'll say, yes, absolutely, I'll hear it happen for you.
Jenny GK:Or uh, no, that was bad marketing and it's actually not at all.
Caitlin:Right, yeah. Um well, mine kind of goes back to the Snoopy thing. Of course, after I made this and I worked so hard on it and it's like I love Snoopy so I made him for me what happened? My?
Jenny GK:child kid wants it.
Caitlin:Oh yeah, I mean instantly, that's my gem.
Jenny GK:He just he was like, what are you supposed to say? Like, no child of mine, you can't have this thing that I love.
Caitlin:Except that you know I have done that before because I did it with my buddy the elf pillow, where he was like I want that pillow, can you buy me one? No, I didn't make it, but I did spend $70 on that pillow and I was like, no, that's mom's pillow. I spent $70 on a pottery barn. Buddy the elf pillow, it's mine, that's mommy's pillow. Mommy spent 70 hours. It was not 70 hours, but mommy spent all that time making this and has, like crochet needle, tenderness in her index fingers. So no, you can't have it now. If I have extra material, I'll make the other one and I'll give it to him. That's fine, or I'll choose the one. That's better.
Jenny GK:Keep that one for myself and then he can have you depending on what airport you're flying through, you can take crochet hooks on um on the plane too yeah, I thought about it on many planes.
Caitlin:I have thought about that, where I'm like okay, what do I, what can I do to like keep myself entertained before I try to fall asleep? You know what I mean.
Jenny GK:So no, I've only had it turned away one time. Okay, um, every other uh airport has allowed me to bring it on as long as I like put it out right, yeah, it's right, yeah, it's there like, put it right out and be like this is a crochet needle. Yeah, um, I don't know if they say needles are okay if they're wooden, wouldn't they be wooden? Sure, but how many people are using?
Caitlin:wooden. That's what I bought when I was first learning how to do it. I used because I didn't know how to do it. Well, they were cheap and I didn't know how to do it. Well, they were cheap and I was like I need to. They were the most, the least expensive ones and I haven't knit in forever. Now, were they actually knitting needles or did you just buy chopsticks? No, no, no, they're actually knitting needles. They had the little thing on the end. I'm teasing. I'm teasing. I didn't been smarter to use chopsticks Because I was broke. I bought like crappy yarn and like the cheapest knitting needles I could find, but this was not an expensive kit. If you want to learn to do it, you'll learn exactly how to do it.
Jenny GK:I want to learn how to make something out of crochet.
Caitlin:It was cute.
Jenny GK:It's super cute we have tons of blankets at our house.
Caitlin:That's actually the first christmas stone when we were together. I gave him a blanket and, man, it took a long time for me to make yeah, but no, this. This is like if you already know how to do it, you just have to read the pattern and be mindful of your stitches. I was like sitting there at one point like with a pencil in my tally oh, yeah, tallying.
Jenny GK:Yeah, you have, yeah, I had to. Um, now something that you might like I don't know if they come with the kit are counters that you can hook into a stitch and it and it like has a number on it and so you can say, okay, this one's number 20, and it, like it hangs there and then you don't have to recount all the way from the beginning.
Caitlin:You can start there well, I do use a stitch. Yeah, I have a stitch count like a holder thing that will like for where my first stitches of a round. But I but I want one if it'll count for me.
Jenny GK:That's pretty killer okay, it's really nice. That's pretty okay. Well, speaking of that, um other things that are really nice, um, is that grocery curbside service right, and I just got a text saying that mine is ready. Okay, so y'all lane line or leave, make good choices and uh, put the right stuff in your car oh, that's what this episode was about yeah, it was okay, bye.