How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK
Hey there! We’re Caitlin and Jenny (she/her). We host How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK, AKA the CK & GK Podcast. Our show is dedicated to any mom who's ever looked around and thought, "I need an adultier-adult than me to handle this."
We're moms just like you, navigating the everyday chaos and unexpected surprises. We bring a relatable and humorous perspective to parenting, drawing on our own experiences and sharing honest, practical advice you can actually use in your own life.
We aim to create a supportive and entertaining space where listeners can learn, laugh, and connect with other adults who are just trying to figure it all out. By offering relatable stories, expert advice, and a healthy dose of humor, we hope to empower listeners to embrace the ups and downs of adulthood with confidence and a positive attitude.
Caitlin and Jenny are based in Austin, Texas. They're both married to cool people and parents to cool kids. Caitlin is a former middle school teacher and Jenny is a middle school assistant principal. They're besties who love to laugh.
How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK
Make Meaningful Connections: How to Forge New Friendships as an Adult
If you feel isolated and struggle to make meaningful friendships as an adult, you’re not alone! In this episode, we’re teaching you real strategies for forming meaningful connections as an adult
>> Get even more content from this episode’s blog post, here.
Jenny GK is your go-to friend for all things friendship. With years of experience navigating the ups and downs of adult relationships, she's got a knack for giving practical advice with a healthy dose of humor. Whether you're struggling to make new friends or trying to repair an old one, Jenny's insights will help you build stronger, more meaningful connections.
What You Get From This Episode:
- Uncover the surprising benefits of cultivating relationships—even weak social ties—on your overall health and well-being.
- Let go of JOMO (joy of missing out) and reclaim your time and energy for what truly matters.
- Discover effective strategies for making meaningful friendships as an adult.
The best support is a rating and a share.
View our website at ckandgkpodcast.com. Find us on social media @ckandgkpodcast on
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Thanks, y'all!
00:00:00 - Caitlin Kindred
Hey, friends. Jenny and I both had technical difficulties during this episode. We decided to shorten the episode to spur you the worst of it, and we apologize for the sound quality and shortened content. Rest assured, we've got a fix, and we'll be back next week with the audio quality you expect. Thanks for sticking with us. On with the show.
00:00:22 - Jenny GK
It's Tuesday.
00:00:24 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, gosh. Okay. Today, first of all, we're glad you're here. Thank you for being with us. We are going to talk about why I need to stop experiencing JoMo, which is the opposite of FOMO. Do you know what Jumbo is?
00:00:39 - Jenny GK
No, I do not.
00:00:40 - Caitlin Kindred
Jumbo is the joy of missing out.
00:00:43 - Jenny GK
Oh, that's amazing.
00:00:45 - Caitlin Kindred
I need to get out and make more friends, and Jenny's gonna teach me how to do that.
00:00:49 - Jenny GK
We are gonna learn together.
00:00:51 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, okay. Yeah, we've talked about this. I am the awkward person who stands over by the food at a party and eats all the guacamole. And then the other thing I do is I go find pets, and I play with pets the whole time, so.
00:01:05 - Jenny GK
Yeah, but first, let me just say that Caitlin could be Randy Newman because you've got a friend in her.
00:01:14 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh. Oh, okay. Abs, have you seen there's an episode of Family Guy with a fake Randy Newman in it and.
00:01:22 - Jenny GK
00:01:23 - Caitlin Kindred
They're like, there's Randy Newman just singing about what he sees. Oh, my gosh. Okay, well, she is an intensely genius jellyfish. Say hi to Jenny, everyone.
00:01:39 - Jenny GK
Love it. Love it. Okay, so this came across because it was the topic of discussion at my junior league meeting this month. Oh, it was empowered women empower women to make friends or make connections or something was the title.
00:01:57 - Caitlin Kindred
That is important.
00:01:58 - Jenny GK
It is important. So I have some information from an article from the APA, the American Psychological association, and it says that people who have friends and close confidants are actually more satisfied with their lives and are less likely to suffer from depression. They're also less likely to die from all causes, including heart problems and rare chronic diseases.
00:02:26 - Caitlin Kindred
00:02:27 - Jenny GK
All. Your blood pressure is actually lower when you're around a person that you feel supported by than someone that you feel ambivalent about.
00:02:34 - Caitlin Kindred
Shocking, right?
00:02:36 - Jenny GK
00:02:37 - Caitlin Kindred
00:02:37 - Jenny GK
People who have had a friend sit by their side while doing something hard have less heart rate activity than if they're working alone. People have actually, in a study, said that a hill was less steep because they were walking it with a friend.
00:02:52 - Caitlin Kindred
00:02:53 - Jenny GK
00:02:54 - Caitlin Kindred
This is wild.
00:02:55 - Jenny GK
It's crazy. So. But the thing is, it's not just friendships that are really good for us. It's also what they're calling weak social ties, which are just interactions with acquaintances or even strangers.
00:03:08 - Caitlin Kindred
Weak social ties are good for you.
00:03:11 - Jenny GK
Are very good for you as well.
00:03:13 - Caitlin Kindred
So just like, the random snide comments I make, like, at the doctor's office.
00:03:17 - Jenny GK
It'S good for your person sitting next.
00:03:18 - Caitlin Kindred
To me is going to be awful.
00:03:19 - Jenny GK
It's good for you, and it's good for them.
00:03:21 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, good.
00:03:22 - Jenny GK
So this could be some random person at the doctor's office. It could be someone at the pet store who, like, knows your cat's name, and you see each other, like, once a month when you're buying food. It could be someone that you run into at work that, like, you don't actually work on a team together, but you see each other once or twice a week. Or it could be just some lady in the grocery store or the person that is checking you out at Target. Like, just having weak social ties or acquaintances or randos that you talk to is good for your body, too.
00:03:52 - Caitlin Kindred
Checking you out of target because you look so good when you show up or, like, the person at the checkout counter.
00:03:57 - Jenny GK
I have never looked so good at Target. So here's the thing. Like, it is hard to make friends as an adult, but research shows that friends can be made and maintained at any age.
00:04:09 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay, that's good news.
00:04:12 - Jenny GK
And they're actually on par with romantic relationships when it comes to good for your body, good for your mind.
00:04:20 - Caitlin Kindred
I completely believe that. Think about, I'm just gonna use my husband and you as an example for myself. You and I have a very different relationship than obviously my husband and I do, but I feel equally as connected to you as one of the best people I know as I do to my husband. It's just a very different connection.
00:04:41 - Jenny GK
00:04:41 - Caitlin Kindred
00:04:42 - Jenny GK
But that's exactly it.
00:04:43 - Caitlin Kindred
That's really cool. I love that.
00:04:45 - Jenny GK
And John and I will have time where the two of us are just, like, doing friend time.
00:04:49 - Caitlin Kindred
00:04:50 - Jenny GK
With each other, like, but it's in no way romantic. It's just like we're doing something as friends.
00:04:55 - Caitlin Kindred
Or the other thing that we stress in our relationship is both of us feel recharged and refreshed when we have time out of the house with friends. So we don't put all of our. The benefits of a relationship into just that one person. We also value going out and being with other people, and we ensure that that is built into our relationship. Otherwise, I think it would cause a lot of problems, you know, codependency and stir craziness. And all the other things go with that, but, yeah.
00:05:29 - Jenny GK
So, like I said, it's hard to make friends as an adult. It feels weird. There's social anxiety. Like, it's not a cool thing. So we watched a couple of videos in the meeting from Daniel Bayard Jackson, and she is a certified friendship coach, which someone asked the question, like, who certifies her? I don't know, but that's pretty amazing. She works for Bumble BFF.
00:05:53 - Caitlin Kindred
That's a thing?
00:05:54 - Jenny GK
Yes. Like, to help you get connected with friends.
00:05:58 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay, wait, so bumble as in, like, the dating.
00:06:00 - Jenny GK
The dating app. The BFF side is, like, to meet people that are not hook up and meet friends.
00:06:07 - Caitlin Kindred
Cute. Okay.
00:06:09 - Jenny GK
So she gives some advice on how to make friendships as an adult. Okay. The first one she says is enlist a super connector. So this is one of those people that, you know, that has, like, so many friends or is in all of the clubs and just vulnerably tell the person, hey, I am looking to make more friends. Can I be in your group?
00:06:32 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, that's a nice thing. Also, you are my super.
00:06:35 - Jenny GK
Oh, no, absolutely not. I know some people who in my life have been like that.
00:06:41 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, yeah.
00:06:42 - Jenny GK
Some of them are in multilevel marketing because they know themselves and they're like, hey, I know a lot of people.
00:06:48 - Caitlin Kindred
That's called playing to your strengths right there. Wow, that's hilarious.
00:06:52 - Jenny GK
But if you are listening and you're one of these super connectors and you resonate with the idea of, like, oh, yeah, I am in a lot of groups. Yeah, I have a lot of friends. Think about introducing some of your friends to each other.
00:07:03 - Caitlin Kindred
You're probably already doing that in your life anyway. But I'm just thinking about, like, making a conscious effort to those people who, you know, need a little bit more support.
00:07:13 - Jenny GK
Right. So it might be someone who is in your run club and you never thought, like, oh, wow, they might actually really like this girl that I used to work with and just, like, connect them.
00:07:26 - Caitlin Kindred
And good for you for being in a run club.
00:07:28 - Jenny GK
That's the next thing that Danielle says is you should join a club. Now, she says that, you know, the run clubs are really popular book clubs. Anything that meets on a regular basis.
00:07:41 - Caitlin Kindred
00:07:41 - Jenny GK
It could also be a class.
00:07:43 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, yeah, right.
00:07:45 - Jenny GK
Maybe learn how to play mahjong. Well, mahjong is a very social game, so by taking a mahjong class, you are going to be talking with people in it.
00:07:54 - Caitlin Kindred
I'm sorry, are there mahjong classes?
00:07:56 - Jenny GK
Yeah, it's coming back, man. It is very popular right now.
00:08:00 - Caitlin Kindred
00:08:01 - Jenny GK
00:08:02 - Caitlin Kindred
I've only played, like, online mahjong when I was four.
00:08:05 - Jenny GK
No, it is having a moment. It is. It is going through its cauliflower era.
00:08:10 - Caitlin Kindred
No words.
00:08:12 - Jenny GK
Okay, so join a club, join a class. Do something that meets regularly, because consistency is key. Right. You're not going to meet someone and make a really deep connection with them the first time that you ever meet. Often, yes, that does occasionally happen, but for the most part, a friendship is built over time. So you want to have something where you're having a regular interaction with people. Okay. So speaking of regular, she also suggests be a regular somewhere. And this is where I really tuned into what she said because she talked about, if you are an introvert and this work is hard for you, pick a quiet place.
00:08:55 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, smart.
00:08:56 - Jenny GK
To be a regular, right? You don't have to regularly go to the same bar or club. Look, I'm 40. I'm not going to go do that. But being regular at a coffee shop, a bookstore, a dog park, somewhere where you can go at the same time each week and run into the same type of people each week.
00:09:19 - Caitlin Kindred
Interesting. Okay.
00:09:20 - Jenny GK
This is a chance for you to make connections, and it might be the people who work there or it might be with other people who go there to work.
00:09:27 - Caitlin Kindred
Mm hmm. I love that idea.
00:09:29 - Jenny GK
So I thought that was really interesting. I mean, sure, there's plenty of places that you could be a regular that are a little more hustle and bustle, but I really liked the idea of, if this is hard for you, find a quiet place for us. We go to the same brewery once a week.
00:09:45 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, you do.
00:09:46 - Jenny GK
And really, we go to two different locations on two different days. Wednesday, we always go to Sprinkle Valley.
00:09:53 - Caitlin Kindred
So funny.
00:09:54 - Jenny GK
And on Sunday, we always go to what we call the Winchester. Because if you've seen Shaun of the dead, that's the pub that they always end up at. And then when the zombies attack, they hold up at the Winchester because we always end up at Austin. Beer works on Sundays. We're like, yeah, it's the Winchester.
00:10:11 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, I like it.
00:10:12 - Jenny GK
Yeah. Okay. So she does. Danielle does mention some skills that you need to build.
00:10:18 - Caitlin Kindred
00:10:19 - Jenny GK
And lean into in yourself. One of them is optimism. It is all about mindset. If you are interested in making friends, you have to be committed that it will work, and it might not work right away, but keep the optimism up, follow through and reliability.
00:10:42 - Caitlin Kindred
And this is where you lose me, because follow through is the hardest part.
00:10:46 - Jenny GK
This is the part that is really tough. No flaking the jomo yeah, no last minute. Hey, are we still on? I have a thing or whatever. No, like, you. You gotta do it now for me, I try and deal with the anxiety of. I have this thing a few hours before it.
00:11:09 - Caitlin Kindred
What does it look like? Because I need help.
00:11:11 - Jenny GK
So, like, I have an event on Thursday night that I really don't want to go to, but I've already committed. So Thursday afternoon, I force myself to think about it and say, yep, I got this thing coming up. Yeah, kind of don't want to do it. It's going to be weird. Only know one person. Okay. All right. Well, moving on. And then I go through those feelings, but I force myself to try and feel them early so that when I'm going to it, I have already made the decision that I'm going.
00:11:41 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, that's interesting.
00:11:43 - Jenny GK
Yeah. So, like, I. And this, you know, it becomes a mind game for me. But I will go through the agony and the anxiety and all of that. And then at the end of those feelings, will commit to myself. But you're still going, wow. So I look at the clock and be like, okay, it's time for me to feel anxious about this.
00:12:01 - Caitlin Kindred
That's. I mean, the optimism in that alone, honestly, that's pretty impressive because you're just. Because I'm always like, well, really anxious about it. I really like it, and it makes.
00:12:12 - Jenny GK
The drive a lot easier for me.
00:12:14 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, that makes sense. The thing that I'm really bad about is I will tell someone, like, hey, we'd love to get together. Reach out to me, let me know. But then I don't follow up with them. And I assume, well, they didn't reach.
00:12:28 - Jenny GK
Out, so they don't want to do it. Right.
00:12:30 - Caitlin Kindred
They don't want to do it. So that. But I should just try.
00:12:33 - Jenny GK
This is when misses Shell's book becomes important. The turquoise table. If you haven't already read this book, let me recommend it to you. Kristen Schell wrote the turquoise table, and coming out of it was this project of painting picnic tables, turquoise, putting them in your front yard as a sign to your neighbors that you are interested in meeting them and going, so nice, one step further. And even saying, like, hey, we're gonna have neighborhood happy hour on Thursday at 530 at our table, no errors, free pee. Just come byob. And, yeah, you just fly a raid. Hey, it's popsicle day at our house on sun on Saturday at 1130. Bring all the kids. We're gonna have popsicles. Maybe two people will come, maybe zero people will come, but the more you do these flyer raids. And the more you invite people to come meet with you, the more likely people are going to come. They don't want to come to the first one. It feels weird, but, like, the second or third, they're like, oh, this must be actually a thing. I'll go.
00:13:37 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay. All right. Okay. Okay.
00:13:40 - Jenny GK
So we put our turquoise table in the backyard. During COVID it is time for us to move it to the front yard. Now it has a hole in it where a squirrel tried to eat a nut that was stuck between the slats of the picnic table. So I have to repair that. But the squirrel was, like, trying to.
00:13:55 - Caitlin Kindred
Put an umbrella in it.
00:13:56 - Jenny GK
Oh, there you go. Just drill a hole, like, awkwardly, and, like, the off to the middle, right?
00:14:01 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, perfect.
00:14:02 - Jenny GK
Like, oh, this is where the umbrella really needs to go. Most people put it in the middle, but they don't understand. The science shows that if you put it kind of in the southwest quadrant, it's better.
00:14:11 - Caitlin Kindred
Right. And also, how many times have you had an umbrella that's in the middle and it doesn't actually cover you all the way up? So we put it off to the side to. Because we were being shadows.
00:14:20 - Jenny GK
We actually. I got a protractor out and measured the angle of the sun for this particular location.
00:14:26 - Caitlin Kindred
I am a math teacher.
00:14:28 - Jenny GK
Okay. So with that optimism comes resilience. Right? Like, it is not going to work the first time, or it might. But be aware that just because the first time wasn't. Okay. Keep going. Go to the class. Go every week. Hang out at the bookstore. You might have to hang out for 45 minutes, three times before you meet someone and you have to make the first move. Sometimes I just felt my heart start.
00:14:57 - Caitlin Kindred
Pounding really hard, and I'm talking to someone who I know well and adore and still virtually.
00:15:04 - Jenny GK
Right. You have to make the first move. And sometimes that is as easy as, oh, what are you reading? Yeah, which one is your dog?
00:15:12 - Caitlin Kindred
Or you can go my route. My route is make the snide comment that we're all thinking, because there is a whole theory about people who judge other people together really quickly.
00:15:24 - Jenny GK
Absolutely. My enemy's enemy is my friend.
00:15:28 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, right. Exactly. Snide comments are always helpful.
00:15:31 - Jenny GK
Okay, so if you're gonna make the first move, do it from a place of curiosity. Right. It's the Walt Whitman quote that became the Ted lassoism. Be curious, not judgmental. Ask questions and be interested. We were working with some middle schoolers on this and actually teaching them how to make their facial expressions and bodies appear. Interested in the other person.
00:15:59 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, my word.
00:16:00 - Jenny GK
And we said, look, you might not actually be interested in what they're talking about. You might not be that into jiu jitsu, but you can ask questions and you can try and learn more and maybe connect it to an interest that you do have.
00:16:17 - Caitlin Kindred
That's true.
00:16:19 - Jenny GK
These are social skills that actually have.
00:16:21 - Caitlin Kindred
To be practiced, and the technology piece means it's harder to practice. So I love that you are explicitly doing that.
00:16:29 - Jenny GK
The thing about the technology that I heard from a recent discussion with a psychologist, he said, look, there's low risk in the Internet, not just because people don't see you and you don't have to read faces and feel awkward in the room, but because you can exit and nobody looks for you.
00:16:50 - Caitlin Kindred
00:16:51 - Jenny GK
Nobody says, like, hey, how's that person? I haven't heard from them for a while. Let me go check on them. Nobody does that. It's just like, oh, that person's not commenting anymore. They're gone.
00:17:00 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, wow, you're right.
00:17:02 - Jenny GK
So it's so easy. You can ghost.
00:17:04 - Caitlin Kindred
And I think that's probably where ghosting came from, honestly, like, I don't have to. I, you know, I don't have to engage anymore.
00:17:11 - Jenny GK
And so he was particularly talking about relationships in person and how they teach things like feeling. You have to feel that what you said didn't land.
00:17:22 - Caitlin Kindred
Well, that's the word.
00:17:24 - Jenny GK
And that the people. Yeah. And the people around you, you have to read their faces and their body language. But the only way that you're going to learn those skills is by getting the negative feedback, feeling it, and realizing, okay, I'm not going to do that again. Whereas if you do it on the Internet and someone barks back, you just leave that group and you never go back. Or you double down and you're still anonymous.
00:17:49 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, you are. I love that you just brought Ted Lasso into this because you just said, be curious, not judgmental. On what had I just said? Sit around and judge someone.
00:17:58 - Jenny GK
00:17:59 - Caitlin Kindred
To make new friends.
00:18:00 - Jenny GK
But you're judging something else. You're not judging that person.
00:18:04 - Caitlin Kindred
No, I judge the action or sometimes.
00:18:07 - Jenny GK
The item of clothing, but not of them. Like, you're not trying to bond with someone over, like, I can't believe you chose that watermelon. No. You look at the other person across the cart and be like, does she really have 30 gallons of milk in her car?
00:18:18 - Caitlin Kindred
She's the person who we're modeling all the math problems.
00:18:21 - Jenny GK
00:18:22 - Caitlin Kindred
That's the comment I'm gonna make. That's the comment. Right? I does she really have 30 watermelons in there? Is she. Is she modeling for a math curriculum company? Because there's. There's no watermelons and no one ever watermelons.
00:18:35 - Jenny GK
There you go. See?
00:18:36 - Caitlin Kindred
Right? Yeah, that's it. That's the comment I'm gonna make.
00:18:38 - Jenny GK
And that's how. And that, again, is not necessarily being judgmental of a person as it is making observational. Humor. Humor. Right. You're seinfelding, right? What's the deal with. Yep, that was my Seinfeld voice.
00:18:54 - Caitlin Kindred
00:18:55 - Jenny GK
Anyway, okay, so the last thing I'll say is, this is like a first date. You have to do that awkward follow up later and send the text that says, hey, I really liked talking to you last night. We should do it again.
00:19:07 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay, so this I'm just thinking about, like, before I get the phone number. Oh, my God. Before I get them digits. You're gonna have to say it in the moment, too. You're gonna say, like, this was fun. I enjoyed this interaction.
00:19:20 - Jenny GK
00:19:21 - Caitlin Kindred
Will you be here next week? You know, something like that.
00:19:24 - Jenny GK
I'll tell you, I went to a bakery on a Friday morning before they were open, and there's a bench out front, and there are two men in their seventies sitting on the bench. And they said to me, oh, yes, the three of us. Our other buddy hasn't come yet. Meet here every Friday at 07:00 a.m. to talk about our week, have a little breakfast, and we get here early so that we can sit on the bench and chat and wait for them to open.
00:19:57 - Caitlin Kindred
I love you.
00:19:58 - Jenny GK
Well, I'll tell you what. I have gone back several Fridays, and those three guys are there, and I say hello to them, and they remember me.
00:20:06 - Caitlin Kindred
00:20:07 - Jenny GK
If I wanted to have a relationship with them, I know I could pull up a chair at their table, say, hey, can I join you? They would love it.
00:20:16 - Caitlin Kindred
You'd be teaching them all the youth culture.
00:20:18 - Jenny GK
Oh, they loved that I was a principal. We sat there and talked and chit chatted about the youth of America. They were so adorable and cute and funny and said, you know, kids are kids. They're always going to be kids. Yeah. No, it was really fun. But again, they were regulars. And because I was choosing to become one on Fridays, I ran into the same guys multiple times.
00:20:41 - Caitlin Kindred
All right, you've done some convincing. I still do enjoy a little jomo now and then, but you've done some convincing. And also just having the conversation about the sweet little old men at the bakery or whatever, even that makes me happy. So I can see how all of this would, like, do wonders for someone's health, mental health, all of those things. So, yes. Okay. All right. I'm convinced.
00:21:07 - Jenny GK
Okay, let's take a break.
00:21:10 - Caitlin Kindred
For links to resources mentioned in this episode, head on over to ckngkpodcast.com blog to find everything you need. And be sure to follow us on social media. Head over to your favorite social media network and find us at CKngkpodcast. And now back to the show.
00:21:28 - Jenny GK
All right, we're back. Thanks so much for coming back. You know, one of the things that you can do with your friends is share things that you're enjoying currently. So I'll tell you what I'm obsessed with right now. It's a crossword game on my phone. Yeah. So, you know, I got kicked out of jury duty. You can't hear it, but, like, there's no sound. So funny.
00:21:57 - Caitlin Kindred
Like dog. Okay. Yes, I forgot about that, but yes. Okay, so now tell me about the cross.
00:22:15 - Jenny GK
Yeah. Yes. So, like. So, like, I am very bad about games on my phone. I am. I. I get super addicted really fast. I missed class in college because of insane aquarium. So I just. I really needed to feed my pretend tropical fish. So this crossword game, it's daily crossword. You get, like, three a day. Plus you can all. You can go back and play the ones that are in the archives. I turned off my screen time report, so I really don't know how many hours I've spent on crosswords. But I will tell you that I have learned. I have words recently, so that's always nice. I mean, technically, and because these are kind of lowest common denominator crosswords, I've also learned a lot about pop culture because I've had to google a lot of actors names. I don't know. Is that cheating on a crossword? If you.
00:23:06 - Caitlin Kindred
What's the app called?
00:23:07 - Jenny GK
00:23:08 - Caitlin Kindred
00:23:09 - Jenny GK
But I'm only.
00:23:10 - Caitlin Kindred
So I do the.
00:23:12 - Jenny GK
I'm stealing a learning opportunity not to sound snotty.
00:23:15 - Caitlin Kindred
So I do the times.
00:23:16 - Jenny GK
Yeah, it's time for me. So I start with a.
00:23:20 - Caitlin Kindred
Maybe this is my Allstate session, too, because I do it every day. Start with wordle because I have streak going. Can't mess that up. Then. Gotta go to connection.
00:23:30 - Jenny GK
Honda's New York Times.
00:23:38 - Caitlin Kindred
00:23:40 - Jenny GK
Oh, yeah. No, straight.
00:23:42 - Caitlin Kindred
Yep. I sure do.
00:23:44 - Jenny GK
Do you remember that the question in.
00:23:47 - Caitlin Kindred
The conference was.
00:23:51 - Jenny GK
On Snapchat because they were so worried that the punishment would.
00:23:55 - Caitlin Kindred
Cares, they did something with their phone that they should now take the phone. But you're gonna pay someone and he's twelve years old. No. So I do the wordle and then I do connections and I don't always get it because that mess is hard. I usually will get like I'll see like how three of them come together and then there's one word where I'm like I don't know, I do not know. And now they started doing streaks for connections. Octurtle. I do not do that one. I do sometimes turn on hard mode for wordle though, which is when you have to use the letter that lights up. Yeah, I think you can't. What was that doe in there anyway? Like just to see what you have to use that letter that gets hard. So. And then I do strands and I don't know why. I know it's, it's there, it's a new one. It's like you, they give you a theme and then you have to like have a word jumble. It's not like a word searched. I mean it kind of is, but a word search would be like in a straight line or something. These are like all mixed all over the place. What is strange, I do that every day. So maybe that's my obsession. Okay. Okay.
00:25:08 - Jenny GK
Yeah, right, right. Oh that's interesting. There you go. Okay, so I have a gem.
00:25:19 - Caitlin Kindred
I like it.
00:25:21 - Jenny GK
And a lot of times guys, I am telling you something funny, right? Like just last night I told someone, you can always count on me to be loud or dumb. But this one is a heart warmer. The bug. I watched it on the rock. This is the first sentence that kit read aloud and his teacher happened to catch it on video and send it to me. I must have played that video for 19 different people, including an entire 7th grade class that I interrupted. Ran in and said, guys, you have to watch this.
00:26:03 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, that's really sweet.
00:26:05 - Jenny GK
Once they found out what it was.
00:26:07 - Caitlin Kindred
I mean sometimes people don't give 7th graders enough credit. I remember when he's reading. If I go back to teaching I'm finding a 7th grade position and I only want 7th graders. I don't, I don't. I love them so much. But they, I had remember this my, when I first got to the job that we were, that we met each other out. My son was very little and he was in the daycare. That's underneath the school on the first floor of the building. Well okay fine. The school is on the second. 3rd floors. Second floor underneath. You're right, that was a weird way to say that.
00:26:50 - Jenny GK
On the first floor of the building. It's not like, underneath.
00:27:00 - Caitlin Kindred
But they would, you know, when the kids were going down to, like, the cafeteria or they were going outside and they would scary. And they would all point and wave and like, say hi, there's an ancient burial ground. He did answer to hi, Ms. Kindred son. And finally I was like, his name is Sam. Like, you can say he has a name. And then they, he would, Sam would get all excited. He'd be like, mom, they waved. And I'm like, I know they waved at you, but they love, they love stuff like that. It's so sweet. And also, I mean, watching, I had a proud mom a moment for you, and it's not even my child, but, like, he's five, and you write a sentence like, that's really, really cool. That was really special. I don't blame you for having that as your gym. Okay, that's all we got. Make good friends.
00:27:47 - Jenny GK
Bye. It was cool. It.