How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK

Digital Decluttering, Part 2: Smart, Simple Steps to Streamline Your Phone

Jenny GK and Caitlin Kindred Season 4 Episode 127

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How many productivity apps do you have on your phone?

If you’re anything like us, you've downloaded that app you’ve been told is “a game changer” for productivity time and time again. And, like the many downloads before it, you abandoned it because it didn’t work for you (and maybe made things worse?).

It's time to take a different, more effective approach to digital decluttering. Let's simplify your digital life and reduce your stress with these game-changing tips to declutter your phone.

>> Get even more tips in this episode’s blog post, here.


Caitlin K. is your digital organization bestie. She's got a knack for turning chaos into order, and she's here to help you declutter your digital life. Whether you're drowning in photos, overwhelmed by apps, or just feeling lost in the digital world, she and Jenny have got your back. Their practical tips and relatable advice will make you feel like a digital pro in no time.

What You Get From This Episode:

  • Streamline your digital life and reduce stress with phone decluttering tips.
  • Maximize your phone's organization with app folders.
  • Effortlessly organize and back up your phone photos.
  • Effectively manage your notifications.
  • Digital decluttering is self-care!


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00:00:00 - Caitlin Kindred

00:00:00 - Jenny GK
Tuesday. I didn't really have a song, so I thought.

00:00:06 - Caitlin Kindred
I was like, what song is that? It's my made up song. I like it. We're so glad you're here. This is part two, aren't they? Dos of decluttering?

00:00:17 - Jenny GK
Is that how you say it?

00:00:20 - Caitlin Kindred

00:00:21 - Jenny GK
I went to spanish class three times.

00:00:22 - Caitlin Kindred
This week, so, hey, we're talking about part two of decluttering your digital life. Last episode, we tackled your computer, or at least some of your. Right. And today I'm going into your phone.

00:00:44 - Jenny GK
But first, with me, as always, is Caitlin, who we could call the New York Times, because it doesn't matter how much she spams me, I'll never unsubscribe.

00:00:54 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, thank you.

00:00:55 - Jenny GK
Do I speak a lot?

00:00:57 - Caitlin Kindred
I do send you a lot of.

00:00:58 - Jenny GK
I just can't unsubscribe from the New York Times because I feel like that's, like, unintelligent.

00:01:04 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, no, I got you.

00:01:06 - Jenny GK
That's what makes me smart and worldly.

00:01:08 - Caitlin Kindred
And I swipe and delete it.

00:01:10 - Jenny GK
Right. I don't always do the step of reading it.

00:01:15 - Caitlin Kindred
Right. But it does come to my inbox. Yeah, that's Jenny, everyone's favorite magically self assured bird.

00:01:25 - Jenny GK
Okay, so we will talk about.

00:01:27 - Caitlin Kindred
You can see my face right now.

00:01:29 - Jenny GK
Yeah, but I had to give up the bird.

00:01:32 - Caitlin Kindred
Uh oh.

00:01:33 - Jenny GK
That is what we call a teaser.

00:01:36 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, I'm ready. Oh, we have to do that after the brain. Okay.

00:01:40 - Jenny GK
Stay with us and learn about giving up the bird.

00:01:42 - Caitlin Kindred
Stay with us.

00:01:43 - Jenny GK
Not giving someone the bird.

00:01:45 - Caitlin Kindred
This is different. As much as you might want to. Okay. Again, my sources for this episode are.

00:01:52 - Jenny GK
The Internet, that Reddit thread.

00:01:53 - Caitlin Kindred
Yep. How to declutter digital life in the productivity thread on Reddit, and digital decluttering 101, a blog post by life by Deanna. Her tips were especially helpful for your phone. Okay. So, yes. Okay, let's get into your phone, then. Pictures. I basically am, like, rubbing my eyes and my temples for this entire episode because I know my phone.

00:02:19 - Jenny GK
I don't even know how many pictures I have. How do you find out?

00:02:22 - Caitlin Kindred
There's a. There's space in your. I mean, you can go to your.

00:02:25 - Jenny GK
My 14,000 do. Okay.

00:02:28 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, that's.

00:02:29 - Jenny GK
That's more than I probably can ever.

00:02:33 - Caitlin Kindred
And they're taking up a boatload of space.

00:02:36 - Jenny GK
I'm certainly not gonna print all of those.

00:02:39 - Caitlin Kindred
Heck, no. I'm going to start by saying a lot of this is personal from my advice. So I highly recommend a picture backup app. I use Google Photos because it'll automatically sort by year. And because I can then go from there and put them into albums, I'm going to say, pour yourself a glass of something. You're going to sleep on again with the productivity music and start getting ruthless with your deleting. Ooh, ruthless. We all take. Yeah, you have to. We all take multiple pictures to try and get, like, the ones where we all look good and we're not blinking. Right. You probably have those on your still.

00:03:19 - Jenny GK
I am definitely a take a thousand to get one good one.

00:03:22 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes. Actually, I was talking to my mom about this recently where we would take Christmas photos on the film cameras and she would have, like, four rows of film just to get one good picture. That's what we're doing, but we're doing it with our phones and then we don't delete them. Go back through and delete the ones you aren't going to keep. Like, if they're funny because some kid has a finger in his nose and the other one's, like, streaming. Save that. But, like, the other 42, you don't need them. Get rid of them. Also bursts.

00:03:53 - Jenny GK

00:03:54 - Caitlin Kindred
If you don't know what these are, it's when you, like, hold the button down on your phone and you take, like, a bunch of pictures at once. This is a common thing for kids to do. When they're taking a picture of something, they'll hold it down and then you get, there's usually one picture in there that you want one, but get rid of all the rest of them. You don't need them. Okay. The Google Photos app will, like, you can tell it to back up and it will make sure everything is in the Google Photos app, and then it will put all of your iPhone photos into deleted, and then you can just delete them all and they're gone. And it's fine because they're all stored in the cloud. And you can redownload if you need to redownload, or you can share directly from the app. Very helpful. There are other ones, too, like Amazon has one and whatever screenshots. Oh, man, these are my kryptonite. I've, I have started, personally, for me, I started taking them and then I send them immediately to where they need to go, and then I just delete them because I know they, they will just be a mess. Or I'll put them in the notes app on my phone.

00:04:59 - Jenny GK
That is smart.

00:05:01 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, it helps. And I have, like, one note that's just screenshots and I just put them all there. If I plan to use a screenshot for the show. Like, there's a funny text where I want to save it, I will immediately upload it to canva from my phone.

00:05:19 - Jenny GK
I love the canva app. If you don't have it on your phone and you are a canva user, pause the episode right now. Go get the canva app. It's so helpful.

00:05:32 - Caitlin Kindred
Anytime I want to make a design out of something that's a screenshot, I will upload it immediately to that. Okay. If you took a screenshot of a meme or you saved a meme and you're like, oh, my God, this is so funny. I'm going to keep it for when I'm sad, girl, no, you're nothing. Say goodbye if you didn't look at it again, girl. Bye. Like, you're not gonna look at this meme again because you think it's funny. Like, no, you won't. Everyone was like, oh, I have a pick me up folder I just nicknamed. No, no, you don't. If it's a screenshot, no, there's plenty of funny things on the interwebs. Go find them. You don't need that to cheer you up again. Okay. No. If it's an accomplishment or something, save it to the right place. But don't. Just don't keep random screenshots on your phone so bad, okay? Speaking of memes social posts, I mentioned this in the previous episode. Context matters. Did you save an ad because you think the item might be a great gift? If you did, fine. Just know that the algorithm is watching you.

00:06:47 - Jenny GK
If I post something on Instagram, then my phone saves a copy of it and I forget to delete that. I'm like, I don't need this.

00:06:53 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, yeah, no, that's bad. Get rid of those, too. Did you save a post because it's a hairstyle you really want to try, or did you just save it?

00:07:05 - Jenny GK
Which you may have.

00:07:07 - Caitlin Kindred
Which you may have. Be prepared to answer those questions again. If you don't know why you saved it, it needs to go. Okay? If it's one that you save because you wanted to send it to someone, send it to them and then unsave it and move on. I am notorious for doing this. I will send five memes in a row to someone or more.

00:07:33 - Jenny GK
Yep, Jenny, no problem.

00:07:35 - Caitlin Kindred
I do it, too because I've saved them and I've been meaning to send them to her. And then I'm like, oh, yeah, I have all these ones I want to send her so that I do it all at one time. That's what I'm doing, it's because I'm hoarding the funniness and I want to share it.

00:07:50 - Jenny GK
So because it was not appropriate to send it at 230 in the morning when you were up doom scrolling.

00:07:55 - Caitlin Kindred
Uh, you wouldn't.

00:07:56 - Jenny GK
No, I wouldn't.

00:07:57 - Caitlin Kindred
But, yeah, but you would have been like, why were you sending this at 230? The other thing is, with social posts, it's okay to unfollow people whose content no longer serves you and not to feel bad about that. Yeah. So if you used to find someone funny and you've now evolved past that type of humor, unfollow. You don't need it anymore. This one was hard for me, but I did this. Your favorite reality tv stars stopped sharing updates about their lives and now all they're doing is just peddling crap you don't need. Unfollow. Unfollow like it's your job.

00:08:40 - Jenny GK

00:08:41 - Caitlin Kindred
Like it's your job.

00:08:42 - Jenny GK
Last week.

00:08:43 - Caitlin Kindred
Yep. Now again, have a caveat, because you have to have caveats here. If it's your great aunt Herbina, she'll get mad. If you're not following her anymore, just mute.

00:08:54 - Jenny GK
All right?

00:08:56 - Caitlin Kindred
She won't know. Just mute her. Okay. You don't need that stuff in your feed. Get it out of there. Your notes app. Please don't look in mind. Okay, thanks. Bye. If you're like me, you might have some pretty personal crap in here. I don't want to talk about what's in my notes.

00:09:21 - Jenny GK
Me either.

00:09:22 - Caitlin Kindred
I don't think you do either. But this does tend to be a source of stress because it's like a digital sea of sticky notes.

00:09:29 - Jenny GK

00:09:30 - Caitlin Kindred
I'm going to help you narrow down a few things of what you can get rid of and consolidate.

00:09:34 - Jenny GK
Okay. Okay.

00:09:35 - Caitlin Kindred
One, does the note have a title? Sounds stupid, but listen to this logic. If you didn't bother to title it, it was probably a one time thing down. One time particular moment. Yep. So you can probably get rid of it. If it's got a title, it's probably worth a closer look.

00:10:00 - Jenny GK
That sounds fair. That sounds also, like for Google Drive.

00:10:03 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes. Oh, gosh, boy. Okay, can you merge the content with other notes, like these one off ones where you wrote down a book title that someone told you about, add it.

00:10:14 - Jenny GK
To your to be read list, and actually put it.

00:10:19 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, move it. Merge it with the other note. That's fine. Or for me with the books. Better yet, I'm going to add the title to my account and click want to lead or want to read? Not lead, whatever. Good grief. And then I can delete the note. No big deal. Is the content super personal and or compromising in any way? For the love of Snoopy, get this crap off of your phone.

00:10:45 - Jenny GK
Especially if you have a notebook full of passwords sitting on your desk.

00:10:51 - Caitlin Kindred
Be quiet. If it's password stuff, put that ish in a password manager and then get rid of the note, please. At the very least, retitle the note so it isn't obviously something super personal.

00:11:11 - Jenny GK

00:11:12 - Caitlin Kindred
Thank you. Other phone apps, because we have to talk about the notes app and the photos separately because we know. And yes, this is actually a tricky one for me because I have an Apple Watch too. So I started with my Apple Watch when I. And here's why. If an app I downloaded has the audacity to install itself on my watch and then send me alerts that actually tick me off, I am removing it from my watch and not later, I'm doing it immediately. Oh, I do not need an app telling me that there is now a sale on leggings during a work call on my watch. Are you kidding me? Absolutely not. Unacceptable. So you can go through your Apple Watch app and start removing the things that you don't need on there. For me, my watch is like, these are things I need to know about right away. Like messages from Sam's school. That's where, that's what I want there, right? I don't want fabletics telling me about a light sale. The other thing I did was I made app folders.

00:12:31 - Jenny GK

00:12:32 - Caitlin Kindred
I keep all my husband.

00:12:36 - Jenny GK
It's not for me.

00:12:37 - Caitlin Kindred
On my home page.

00:12:38 - Jenny GK

00:12:39 - Caitlin Kindred
Hang on just 1 second.

00:12:41 - Jenny GK
But I do have folders in the sense that each one of my homepages like, represents a different type of task. So, for example, I might not have a photography folder, but I have like one screen that has all the photo apps in one place.

00:12:57 - Caitlin Kindred
Does that not stress you?

00:12:59 - Jenny GK
No, because if I put them in a folder, I might not remember what folder they're in.

00:13:05 - Caitlin Kindred
Mega folder.

00:13:07 - Jenny GK
Mega folder.

00:13:09 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay. So the only thing that I'm a. I'm a folders. I'm an app folders person. The only thing on my second homepage is my business card widget. And that's because when I have a work event, I need to be able to just. And get it right. I have five home pages, but everything else. Oh my God. Oh my second whole page.

00:13:33 - Jenny GK
I didn't even. I have to count them.

00:13:36 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh my gosh. Okay, so my folders are, they're a little bit more specific here because they kind of write but all of them are sorted into folders. So I've got like a Sammy, my son, folder things only relate to him. I've got a finance one, I've got a health one, etcetera. And all of them are sorted by frequency of use inside the folder. So if I have 15 health related apps, which I might, the ones I use the most often are accessible within one tap on that first screen of nine. And then as I use them less and less, I have to swipe more to get to them. Totally make sense.

00:14:25 - Jenny GK

00:14:26 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay, there are some of those apps that you like can't delete because they belong to the phone and you shouldn't get rid of them. I actually put these in a folder called utilities and they are on the second and third pages of the.

00:14:41 - Jenny GK
I have those in a folder and it's just called I stuff.

00:14:46 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes, you're so fancy because you're not going to use them. Right. But it's because I put like all of the, you know, settings and other crap that I never look at in there. And that's. Yeah. And then I went, took it a step further and I just organized the folders alphabetically so that I could quickly find the ones I want, except for the utilities one, which is like in a space where I never. Okay, push.

00:15:13 - Jenny GK
Like I might be judging you a little bit. You have the time, that's fine.

00:15:16 - Caitlin Kindred
Judge away. No, I didn't have the time. I made.

00:15:21 - Jenny GK
Did you all hear that? That was prophetic. I made the time.

00:15:26 - Caitlin Kindred
I made the time. Again, though, I need to stress this, that the folder structure has to make sense to you. That's why I did it alphabetically, because sometimes I'm like. And I can't find it. So if I know that, if it's alphabetical, then I know it'll be on the page. It's fine. Yeah. I've seen people who have a folder where this is the one where they, the apps they use all the time. Frequency.

00:15:51 - Jenny GK
John has that one that's just called most used.

00:15:55 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, totally. Great way to do it. You can name them whatever you want. I saw one woman who made hers motivational, like affirmation style. So like one of them says I am healthy and all of her health apps are in there. I am responsible, all of her productivity. Okay.

00:16:11 - Jenny GK
I could get behind that.

00:16:13 - Caitlin Kindred
It was very, very.

00:16:15 - Jenny GK
I might do folders if I was telling myself how awesome I am.

00:16:20 - Caitlin Kindred
Well, and my issue with it is like, I am a shopper, I am.

00:16:27 - Jenny GK
Well equipped.

00:16:31 - Caitlin Kindred
I buy stuff, you know? Yeah. I don't know, but it just has to work for you. If it's an app you don't use often, get rid of it. With the exception of things like an AED finder. I hope you never have to use that app, but can't hurt to have it on your phone. Right? You can also see which apps you use the most often in your settings. It will tell you which ones you use and which ones you don't. And you can either get rid of them. Yeah, you can either get rid of them or you can hide them away. The other thing you can do now, at least on an iPhone, is you can remove the app without deleting your account. So you can remove the app from your phone.

00:17:13 - Jenny GK
So, like, I don't need the Groupon app anymore.

00:17:16 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, my gosh. That's still on mine, too. I used to spend hours on that thing. Are you kidding? So much good stuff, you know, before Amazon became a thing, a really big thing, that is. Okay, so that's the apps. The issue with the apps for me is not just that there's a lot of them, but also that they alert me a lot, and I don't like that. So this is where I went on a rampage, trying to minimize the amount of alerts I got. I went through the notifications that I allow on my phone. And if an app isn't urgent, again, looking at you, fabletics, or seeing the little red badge on the app gives me anxiety and makes me feel compelled to check.

00:18:03 - Jenny GK
Told me about this, and I have turned it off on so many apps, it's amazing.

00:18:10 - Caitlin Kindred
I do not allow badges on those apps anymore.

00:18:13 - Jenny GK
I do not need badges on Spotify letting me know that there is a new playlist available to me, I do.

00:18:21 - Caitlin Kindred
Not need a badge on fabletics ever. Also Twitter. I took badges off of Twitter because it was so much I could not handle it. And they are like, oh, you need this notification. No, you don't. And I actually went into Twitter and I said, stop showing me these kinds of notifications because I don't want them. You can do that, too, within apps. So just pointing that out. Facebook does not. It's not. When I allow badges on my phone, Twitter threads, TikTok, Snapchat, all the other time vacuums that I have on my social media folder, none of them are allowed to have.

00:19:04 - Jenny GK
Check it.

00:19:05 - Caitlin Kindred
I don't feel right. I don't feel compelled to check it. So that's why if you're someone who sends me TikToks and you haven't seen me in a long time and I have 42 messages from you. That's the reason. It's because I don't have the alert that I'm amazing. Yeah, is a good thing. However, things like my son's school communications app.

00:19:26 - Jenny GK

00:19:26 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes, there's a batch there. Okay. That's how the teacher sends me messages. So yes, I would like to know what's happening there. And I would like to know that I need to check that one. I mentioned this in the previous episode, but email badges. Did you know that if you have all of your email accounts rolled up into your mail app on your phone, you can customize which ones get to add badges to your awesome. So my work email doesn't get included in that number of emails that it shows up or unread in my pool. So last time we checked this, I had 307. And that does not include the 42 from my work account because I don't want to be checking my work emails all the time. I just don't. So if I ever get down to inbox zero in my personals, the unread emails in my work inbox will not count towards that.

00:20:30 - Jenny GK
Not count. That's amazing.

00:20:33 - Caitlin Kindred
The nice thing about your phone is that everything with your phone's structure is customizable and flexible. You can update it anytime. You can restart alerts if you need them to be restarted. You can move an app from one folder to another. If you are using it by most frequently used and you want to have it move up because you're sick of swiping to get to it, you are allowed to do that. Just make it work for you because there's no reason to stress yourself out over your own organization structure.

00:21:11 - Jenny GK
It's flexible.

00:21:12 - Caitlin Kindred
I love that. Make it work for you now, because this is the part two, I have to share some additional resources that I learned about in that Reddit thread.

00:21:21 - Jenny GK
Okay, cool.

00:21:22 - Caitlin Kindred
While back, so I keep saying make it work for you, right? It has to make sense in your brain. But some people are so overwhelmed that they don't have a structure at all and they don't even know how their brain would organize something. So there's a couple of books that I learned about by an author named Tiago Forte. They're both written by him. One of them is called the para method.

00:21:45 - Jenny GK

00:21:46 - Caitlin Kindred
And I'm going to read from the book description what para means. So para method, simplify, organize, and master your digital life by Thiago Forte para P projects projects are specific short term efforts that you are actively working on with a certain goal in mind, like completing a website or renovating your bathroom. Areas are the larger, ongoing areas of responsibility, like health, finances. That encompasses those specific projects.

00:22:17 - Jenny GK
Okay, I'm with you.

00:22:18 - Caitlin Kindred
Yep. Resources include content on a range of topics you're interested in or that could be useful for your projects and areas. Okay, archives include anything from the previous three categories that are now inactive but you want to save for free.

00:22:33 - Jenny GK
Okay, so para is p a r a projects, areas, resources, archives.

00:22:39 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay, yes, there's a book about that, so if you want to read that, that's one option. He also has a book called building a second a proven method to organize your digital life and unlock your creative potential. I know very little about this book. I did think that the pair of methods sounded pretty reasonable, but if you're using megafolders, maybe that's how you start, right? I don't know. Okay, so those are a couple of resources you might look into. Also, you can Google Declutter, and there's so many ideas there. But here are my final thoughts about this whole decluttering your digital life thing. In sum, for both episodes, okay, as someone with ADHD, I'm constantly thinking that some new tool is going to save my life. Enter the password book. I have notebooks. I have planners. I have password books galore. And I rarely stick.

00:23:33 - Jenny GK
No, absolutely not. This is why I have an easel on my desk where I put my planner every day. Otherwise it wouldn't work because it would just stay in my bag.

00:23:41 - Caitlin Kindred
Right? Now. If downloading that super awesome to do list app that everyone swears by didn't work for you two years ago, don't download another resource thinking, oh yeah, this is the one. This one's going to be the life changer for me because it probably won't be right? You've tried multiple things that aren't working, so don't download another thing and put all your hopes into that thing. You can go back to one of the ones you've already downloaded and see if there's a way that you can reorganize it to make it work for you. Or try something without one of those apps altogether. Put your planner on an easel. Use a sticky note that be consistent with that every day, like something else. But you need to stop pinning all of your hopes on this next item. Okay? The other one. This is my last one. I would consider digital decluttering a form of self care. We've talked about this before. Self care is not a spa day, necessarily. It is a habit that makes you feel good about yourself when you are in the habit of keeping. Excuse me, your digital junk decluttered.

00:24:52 - Jenny GK

00:24:53 - Caitlin Kindred
It's going to feel so.

00:24:54 - Jenny GK
It's going to make your phone a lot less anxiety producing. It's going to make looking at your computer feel a lot less stressful.

00:25:02 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes. If you can spend ten minutes every Friday going through your crap, you're giving.

00:25:09 - Jenny GK
Yourself the gift of less cortisol.

00:25:11 - Caitlin Kindred
Right. Even if nothing else, you just feel better because you don't have much crap on your phone. Right. Like, it will just feel good. So that's. I would look at it that way as opposed to, like, this mountain of tasks you have to complete. Work on one folder a day and see what happens. It will probably feel really good.

00:25:29 - Jenny GK
I'm looking forward to it.

00:25:30 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, me too. Let's take a break.

00:25:32 - Jenny GK
Two cups coffee. I need pee pee.

00:25:34 - Caitlin Kindred
I need pee pee. For links to resources mentioned in this episode, head on over to blog to find everything you need and be sure to follow us on social media. Head over to your favorite social media network and find us at ckngkpodcast. And now back to the show.

00:25:55 - Jenny GK
Can I go full on Disney adult for a moment? We have a soap dispenser that puts the soap out in the shape of Mickey's head, and it just makes washing my hands so much more joyful.

00:26:08 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay, we're back.

00:26:10 - Jenny GK
Yay. Okay, so just put the word basic right across the bottom of the screen. It's fine. Here's an alert for anyone who was born after the year 1990. You can just go ahead and skip your 15 seconds. My obsession right now is pumpkin cold foam.

00:26:29 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay, first of all, we've talked about this before. Dave Grohl says, stop calling things guilty pleasures because if it makes you happy, it shouldn't make you feel guilty.

00:26:39 - Jenny GK
Unless, of course, it's cheating on your wife, at which point it's a problem.

00:26:43 - Caitlin Kindred
Fair point. Here's the thing. One, we shouldn't be surprised, despite the fact that he is, in every other way, a very good person. Right. And probably still a good person. Just made a mistake. But he's done this before. He has another child with his first wife who he cheated on. And that's why I know. I'm not saying that people always cheat if they do it one time. I'm saying it's not out of character for this person to have done this. Now back to what I was saying. The other reason. No, it's okay. The other reason that it's. That it's basic is because a lot.

00:27:20 - Jenny GK
Of people like it because it's good.

00:27:22 - Caitlin Kindred
You're not alone. Right? You're not alone for liking basic things. So calling someone basic, like, okay, fine, I'll be basic, but I'm okay with that. Millions of other people like this thing, too, so. And can we just please stop, like, shaming people for getting the tiniest bit of joy out of coffee? Like, why? Like, why is it such a big deal? Who cares? It's not affecting you. You don't have to drink it if you don't like it.

00:27:45 - Jenny GK

00:27:45 - Caitlin Kindred
Enjoy your pumpkin cold.

00:27:47 - Jenny GK
Thank you.

00:27:47 - Caitlin Kindred
Love it. It's delicious.

00:27:49 - Jenny GK
And it has to be one of those things that, like, I only have every so often because it's a not low calorie.

00:27:56 - Caitlin Kindred
No, it's really not.

00:27:57 - Jenny GK
Normally when I drink coffee, it comes out to about ten calories because I put some non dairy creamer in it. The pumpkin cold brew, cold foam, blah, blah. All the words thing is like, 250 calories. So it's like a snack.

00:28:12 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah. I was buying coffee a lot over the summer, probably most days a week, if not every day, and those calories added up. So now we're back to the home cold brew with a little splash of creamer in it most days, because I was like, this is. Yeah, bad. Anyway, okay. My other. My obsession is, um, if you haven't watched it, I realize again, once again, I'm always behind the times. And that's okay. I don't care. Shrinking on.

00:28:38 - Jenny GK
Oh, my gosh. Isn't it so good?

00:28:40 - Caitlin Kindred
It is so good. It is so good. I am obsessed. It's so good. I haven't watched it since I was on the plane, so I'm. I'm feeling a little deprived here, but, oh, my gosh, I love this show. I love. Jason Siegel is so good. He's so good. And it's Harrison Ford. I just. And it's Harrison.

00:28:59 - Jenny GK
And it's like, he's not playing a character. He's like, oh, no, I'm just gonna be me in this show.

00:29:03 - Caitlin Kindred
I'm sure he's playing a little bit.

00:29:05 - Jenny GK
Of a character, but it is not for children. But it is amazing.

00:29:09 - Caitlin Kindred
No, not even a little bit for kids. Not even the tiniest bit. But it's so great. And they're coming out with a new.

00:29:15 - Jenny GK
Oh, that's exciting.

00:29:17 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes. Season two is coming.

00:29:19 - Jenny GK
It is also an emotional roller coaster, because much like all apple shows, there's gonna be something that pulls at your heartstrings.

00:29:27 - Caitlin Kindred
I've laughed. I've cried in the same moments, like, hilarious, but also sobbing. Jason Siegel doesn't get enough credit for what he does. He's so good. He's such a real human. It's so great.

00:29:40 - Jenny GK

00:29:41 - Caitlin Kindred
I love it. So great.

00:29:42 - Jenny GK
Forgetting Sarah Marshall is, like, one of America's classic films.

00:29:46 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, I love, love, love that movie. I can quote that movie.

00:29:50 - Jenny GK
Left, right, center, Dracula musical. Come on, Peter, you suck.

00:29:55 - Caitlin Kindred
Peter, you suck.

00:29:58 - Jenny GK
When we went to Hawaii, we went to Turtle Bay.

00:30:02 - Caitlin Kindred
So, you know, when my sister got married and we stayed at, like, a verbo down the, it was literally down the street. And we went to Turtle Bay and yeah, we had to because it was down the street. That's where we went to the beach. We went to Turtle Bay's resort before. And when you walk in, it is not set up like it is in the movie. They moved the, the check in desk to up against those windows when really it's right on the other side of the dark area. Anyway, doesn't matter. That is not the point. The point is shrinking is my obsession. This is why adhd, friends. That's what this is.

00:30:37 - Jenny GK

00:30:37 - Caitlin Kindred

00:30:37 - Jenny GK
So I did a teaser trailer at the beginning of the episode. I had to give up the, give up the bird. At my school, which used to be our school, all the kids are sorted into houses a la Harry Potter rip.

00:30:52 - Caitlin Kindred
Professor McGamsell.

00:30:53 - Jenny GK
Oh, she was good.

00:30:55 - Caitlin Kindred
She was so great. Also, I've seen the other post that was somewhere, if there's a heaven, she saw Robin Williams in heaven and said, hello, boy, I almost, like, lost it on that one. So.

00:31:12 - Jenny GK
Oh, man, that's good.

00:31:14 - Caitlin Kindred
I know.

00:31:17 - Jenny GK
What does the kids say? Right in the fields? Oh, that's a good one.

00:31:21 - Caitlin Kindred
Cut me. In my field, we sort the kids.

00:31:23 - Jenny GK
Into four houses, and each one of the houses has a mascot. Many years ago, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2018, which I happen to know for sure it was 2018, because when my son was born and I was mega pregnant at the time, I was put into the house, whose mascot was a bantam rooster, which is a chicken.

00:31:45 - Caitlin Kindred
I remember this. Yes, it is a, it is a power chicken.

00:31:48 - Jenny GK
Power chicken. That is the best description ever. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna live in that space right now. Power chicken.

00:31:54 - Caitlin Kindred
And you did the combs up thing. You made all the kids do combs up. I remember I was still teaching and I was. Yep. I was part of this. I was part of the reason that you got sorted into a house. Yes.

00:32:04 - Jenny GK
And I had a little stuffed chicken named Ralph. That was our mascot. He lived in a peanut butter jar and the kids could pass him around. But because he had magical powers. You couldn't touch him. You had to touch only the jarved jar. I really owned. Being in the chicken house, I was. This was.

00:32:22 - Caitlin Kindred
You were proud of that.

00:32:23 - Jenny GK
And the color was yellow. And I was like, all right, I'm gonna be yellow.

00:32:27 - Caitlin Kindred
Like an egg yolk. It was egg yolk yellow again. I remember because I was part of it.

00:32:34 - Jenny GK
Well, here's the thing. Because I have departed and returned, someone else has taken on the role of being in the chicken house.

00:32:43 - Caitlin Kindred
Uh oh.

00:32:44 - Jenny GK
And that person happens to be my boss.

00:32:46 - Caitlin Kindred

00:32:46 - Jenny GK
So she said, I'm sorry, you cannot.

00:32:48 - Caitlin Kindred
Be in the chicken house.

00:32:49 - Jenny GK
And we already have someone in bull and eagle. You must go to tornado.

00:32:55 - Caitlin Kindred
That's what I was in tornado. And they had green. I made green their color.

00:33:01 - Jenny GK
I was dying, because last night, I'm sitting there saying, now I gotta get a bunch of green clothes. Like, I'm Caitlin.

00:33:09 - Caitlin Kindred
You're welcome. But I made it green, and I wanted to be a tornado, because then I could just squiggle and draw it. It was awesome. And I used to make the kids go like this with their tornado.

00:33:20 - Jenny GK
They have a cheer. Geneva. Geneva. Win, win, win. Geneva, Geneva. Spin, spin, spin.

00:33:27 - Caitlin Kindred
Hey. I love it. Way to go.

00:33:31 - Jenny GK
So I had to give up my role as Ralph's sponsor. And at a and M, we call it the mascot corporal. And I am no longer in the Trinity chicken house. I am now in the Geneva tornado house. But that is not even the gem. The gem is the games that we played at our most recent house games.

00:33:55 - Caitlin Kindred

00:33:56 - Jenny GK
We wanted to diversify the strengths needed to be successful. They cannot all be athletic in nature. So, in this most recent house games, there were three different competitions. The first one was a poster making competition. There were blank pieces of paper taped up around the space. And the kids, who were more artistically inclined, had the entire event to create a poster. And at the end, were being judged. Unlike, whose is the most awesome. Awesomest, but, like, not just like, who's his most artistic, but, like, had the most joy and spirit and blah, blah, right?

00:34:33 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, fair.

00:34:35 - Jenny GK
There was a robotics, old but not robot, like a stem kind of a stem sort of challenge. But it was basically like if a robot was made of humans. There was a trail, a track, a maze, if you will, that you have to bring a paper cup through while balancing a tennis ball on top of the cup. And the way you move the cup is, there are six strings tied to it, like the legs of a spider.

00:35:09 - Caitlin Kindred

00:35:09 - Jenny GK
And six different people have to drag the cup. The cup cannot leave the floor, and the ball cannot fall off the cup.

00:35:17 - Caitlin Kindred
I like this. That's a good teamwork.

00:35:19 - Jenny GK
It was super fun. Good teamwork, right? You have to really be able to collaborate to make this one happen. And then the final one, which I am so for. And I feel like we need to do every house games because it was amazing, was a mat surfing race. They are taking the mats from pe class, running, jumping and sliding as far as they can across the floor. And it's a relay, so wherever the mat stops, you get off and the next person runs behind you and slams their body to slide across the floor.

00:35:57 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, my goodness. That sounds.

00:35:59 - Jenny GK
It was amazing. It was so good. We did eight versus eight, seven versus seven, six versus six, and then, like, there was a total of points. Now, here's the deal. When I got kicked off Trinity and reassigned to Geneva, I look.

00:36:17 - Caitlin Kindred

00:36:18 - Jenny GK
I looked at my boss and said, that's fine, but I'm not going to be on a losing team.

00:36:25 - Caitlin Kindred

00:36:26 - Jenny GK
Guess who won the house games the first day that I watched Geneva.

00:36:30 - Caitlin Kindred
Hey, girl.

00:36:31 - Jenny GK
And I didn't even cheat. Well done much?

00:36:33 - Caitlin Kindred
No. Go, Geneva. My heart will always be there.

00:36:42 - Jenny GK
So I'm about to get a green tornado tattoo. Not really, but, like, that would be funny.

00:36:49 - Caitlin Kindred
You could get temporary tattoo.

00:36:50 - Jenny GK
Oh, I'm getting them made and passing about to all the kids.

00:36:53 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, you are.

00:36:54 - Jenny GK
I'm telling you, like, the other teams are going down, especially Trinity. You cut me from the squad. I am going to a Super bowl.

00:37:06 - Caitlin Kindred
You were kicked out of the coop. You have to make sure tornadoes will scoop that coop anytime. No worries.

00:37:18 - Jenny GK
I'm gonna make a costume with instead of the cow from Twister. It's just gonna be like a chicken.

00:37:22 - Caitlin Kindred
Like, destroying you. Okay. I love that. Thank you. That was a nice little blast from the past. And walk down memory lane for me. Okay. You ended last with a sweet one, so I'm gonna end this one with a sweet one.

00:37:36 - Jenny GK
Oh, good.

00:37:37 - Caitlin Kindred
We talked about this in an episode. The appalachian high school tragedy. The more that these things happen, the more it affects me. And I realized that's kind of the opposite of what we think society is doing, where it seems to be that we're getting desensitized to this, but for whatever reason, every single time it happens, it just hurts me more and more. And I just sit there really upset and despondent over this. There was an extra connection that I had that I don't need to share, but it just affected me a lot. And I just sat there sobbing over this, like, really not okay. And my son, who I do believe is a very empathetic person. I don't know if he's a true empath, but he is a very empathetic person. Saw me just, like, sitting there sobbing, and my cat walks up to me and he's like, oh, look, ty is coming to give you a little snuggle. And I said, yeah. Then he goes, hang on. And he comes back with a tissue and he starts to dry my eyes for me. And he starts, like, gently patting this tissue down my face and across my eyes, like.

00:38:46 - Jenny GK
And so, like, the floodgates are really open.

00:38:49 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, yeah. Now it was like, can you wipe my nose too? So sweet. So sweet. And I just, like, held on to that. I kept that to myself for a little while because it was just the sweetest, but I felt ready to share it today. So that's. That's my gem.

00:39:09 - Jenny GK
He's okay. So you just mark this in the episode as one of the things that you might save in those digital files to go back and listen to whenever he's throwing a temper tantrum at.

00:39:24 - Caitlin Kindred
Or in our house, like he just did a few minutes ago.

00:39:27 - Jenny GK
No, please.

00:39:28 - Caitlin Kindred

00:39:28 - Jenny GK
Remember I learned that you can leave an entire cart of groceries at the store. They will put the whole thing in the fridge for you while you take your kid out to the parking lot and let them finish their tantrum.

00:39:38 - Caitlin Kindred

00:39:39 - Jenny GK
Coolest thing ever.

00:39:40 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes. Bless them. Okay.

00:39:41 - Jenny GK
All right. Well, in that case, make good choices.

00:39:44 - Caitlin Kindred
And your phone does not control you. You control your phone.

00:39:48 - Jenny GK
Yeah. And cleaning it is a form of self care.

00:39:51 - Caitlin Kindred

00:39:52 - Jenny GK
Okay, bye.

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