How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK

Vocabulary Matters: Know the Lingo to Make a Successful Career Change

Jenny GK and Caitlin Kindred Season 3 Episode 101

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Has your transition from one career to another been a struggle? You've probably been told to simply update your resume and start applying for jobs, only to find yourself stuck in a cycle of rejection and frustration. Combine those feelings with the pain of feeling unprepared and inadequate for your new field, and you’re likely feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, and uncertain about your future. Caitlin can relate. Her transition from educator to edtech marketer was a rough one. Join CK & GK for Caitlin’s most important career transition tip.

When you speak the language, you belong. —CK

Caitlin, a former full-time classroom educator, shares her insights on transitioning careers. With her background in education and transition to a new field, Caitlin brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on the importance of vocabulary in career transitions. She highlights the value of vocabulary as an entry point into new learning, drawing from her own teaching experience and offering practical advice for educators and professionals looking to make a career shift. Caitlin’s unique perspective and engaging storytelling provide valuable insights for educators transitioning to new careers.

In this episode, CK & GK discuss:

  • Harnessing the power of vocabulary for a successful transition to a new field.
  • Embracing the role of a lifelong learner for continuous growth in your career journey.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Etsy: Find the Scribbles for Shizzles Snoop Dogg notepad and Tom Selleck baseball cards on Etsy for a fun and unique gifts.
  • Notion: Explore Notion, a web tool for organizing and managing all kinds of word processing needs. Consider using it to keep track of new words and terms when transitioning into a new career.
  • Becky Lynch's book: Keep an eye out for Becky Lynch's book, Big Time Becks, for an entertaining read and a unique memoir from a professional wrestler.

See more in this episode's blog post >>>

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Thanks, y'all!

00:00:01 - Jenny GK
Tuesday, Tuesday. Gotta get down on Tuesday. It's Rebecca Green Kujawa.

00:00:07 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, it is.

00:00:10 - Jenny GK
Good job.

00:00:11 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, it's Tuesday, and we're so glad you're here. Maybe it's Tuesday. I don't know if it's your Tuesday. It's our Tuesday. But today we are sharing. Well, I am sharing the most important thing I've learned in my career, transition from educator, full time classroom educator to edtech marketer. And I think that this is useful information for anyone who's going to be transitioning into a new job or a new career. So stay tuned for that in just a minute.

00:00:39 - Jenny GK
I'm so excited.

00:00:40 - Caitlin Kindred
Love it.

00:00:41 - Jenny GK
But before we do that, she's the chrome to my netscape. It's Caitlin Kindred.

00:00:50 - Caitlin Kindred
Sad day. Whatever happened, it doesn't matter. Anyway, that's Jenny, my beautiful barrel of monkeys and kindness.

00:01:05 - Jenny GK
Oh, man. So we'll talk more about my birthday later, but I will tell you that one of the ways I celebrate my birthday is I normally make all the kids stand up and say something nice about me.

00:01:15 - Caitlin Kindred
That's amazing.

00:01:17 - Jenny GK
Yes. And I give them time to prepare. You only have to say one nice thing and you can think about it. And I said, this is a great gift you can give to anyone on their birthday and say something nice about them. And one year, a kid said to me, miss GK, you're g good and k kind. Oh, that's one. I was like, oh, you're so sweet. Someone barrel monkey and kindness.

00:01:42 - Caitlin Kindred
I love that I had one. I I always say my last name is Kindred. Like kindred spirits. I've always said that.

00:01:50 - Jenny GK

00:01:50 - Caitlin Kindred
And one kid goes, it's kindred, like kind and red because she's nice and has red hair.

00:01:56 - Jenny GK
And I was just like, oh, that's so good.

00:02:01 - Caitlin Kindred
I loved that one. But kindness matters. All right, let's move on. Let's get into this topic, which is what's the most important thing I've learned in my career transition. I think we've talked about this a little bit when we did some stuff on resumes and cover letters and stuff, right. And we've shared some tips for the logistical process of that in the past. So look for those episodes. I don't remember the numbers, but it's all about resumes and cover letters and stuff. But in May of 2021, I walked out of my classroom for the very last time, and the goal was to pursue a career outside of teaching. And we don't need to get into logistics or the weeds of why almost three years ago. I know it's wild.

00:02:54 - Jenny GK
Time flies.

00:02:56 - Caitlin Kindred
It really does.

00:02:59 - Jenny GK
Sorry, I sound old here, but I can't believe that this was that long ago. It feels like just yesterday.

00:03:07 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah. I actually just had my two year anniversary at my company this past week.

00:03:12 - Jenny GK
Jeez. All right, continue on.

00:03:15 - Caitlin Kindred
No, it's okay. And again, we don't need to get down into the weeds of why. That's not really the point of this. But I don't think anyone needs to.

00:03:24 - Jenny GK
Know the weeds of why someone would leave teaching.

00:03:27 - Caitlin Kindred
Well, it was more complicated.

00:03:29 - Jenny GK
This is not a secret, right?

00:03:30 - Caitlin Kindred
No, it was more complicated than, like, the usual. No one gets paid enough in teaching, and the politics are a mess. Right. It was way more complex.

00:03:40 - Jenny GK
There's more than that.

00:03:40 - Caitlin Kindred
There's more to it. And you know the story because you were there.

00:03:46 - Jenny GK
Yes, but those are definitely factors for anyone choosing to walk out of a school.

00:03:51 - Caitlin Kindred
For the last time, let's just say this. It's never the kids that make you leave.

00:03:58 - Jenny GK
Oh, absolutely not. It's the principal telling you, Miss Green, you make the kids too happy. And happy kids are hard to control.

00:04:07 - Caitlin Kindred
Not in my classroom, they're not. But.

00:04:09 - Jenny GK
Okay, first off, why do you need to control children? Secondly, happy people are good people.

00:04:16 - Caitlin Kindred

00:04:17 - Jenny GK
I went upstairs, back to my classroom, called my then fiance, and said, I hope you're willing to support me financially because I'm quitting this job and I don't know what I'm going to do next.

00:04:25 - Caitlin Kindred

00:04:26 - Jenny GK
I don't have a contract with another school, but I am not coming back to this one.

00:04:30 - Caitlin Kindred
No. Right now I'm hearing Elle woods say, like, endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't choose.

00:04:38 - Jenny GK
Exactly. Okay. So anyhow, 2021, right?

00:04:46 - Caitlin Kindred
Here's what I've learned. And if you are an educator, and you are a transitioning educator, meaning transitioning teachers, you're trying to get yourself out of the classroom. The good news is, if you are an educator, this is something that you already know. Vocabulary matters. You and I have said this over and over and over again. Vocabulary matters. It is the entry point into all new learning. And as a teacher, one of the things I always did every time before I started any new learning, didn't matter if I was teaching math or history or geography when I was teaching all of those subjects, or when I was teaching writing, I always, always started each new bit of content with a vocabulary lesson. When I was teaching math, I would teach them day by day. Right? Before we get into this topic, here's vocabulary you need to know, and we're going to define it right now. And then I'm going to use those words in the notes we're going to take, and then we're going to say those words over and over again as we do our practicing. We're not going to say, I did the dividing thingy. No. We're going to say, I determined that this is the dividend and this is the divisor. And here is my quotient. We're going to use our vocabulary. Okay?

00:06:07 - Jenny GK
Yes. I have second graders who use the term multiplicative association correctly in context because they know we ask them to means and you tell them and we say this thing that you did where you switched it, the switching. That's called multiplicative association. Say that with me.

00:06:27 - Caitlin Kindred

00:06:28 - Jenny GK
Okay. Next time you do it, we're going to label it that way.

00:06:31 - Caitlin Kindred
Exactly. So my advice to anyone who is a transitioning teacher or really anyone who's looking to change jobs or careers, this is particularly important if you're looking to change careers and you're not just shifting to a new position inside of your current organization.

00:06:48 - Jenny GK
Same industry, right? Yeah.

00:06:50 - Caitlin Kindred
Write down every single new word you come across. Okay. Every single one. It doesn't have to be a word necessarily. It could be some kind of crazy acronym you've never seen before. Every time you see a foreign word, foreign combination of letters, write it down and make a running list of these terms and maybe you'll be able to define them in that moment. Maybe it gets defined for you in context. But if it doesn't, go and figure out what the word means, just like you would for your students when you gave them what multiplicative association was when you said that word. You have to tell them what it means. Right. Go do that and then look at that definition and put it in your own words. Okay. Just as an example. Roi. This is a term that is used largely outside of the public education sector. Right? Return on investment. Put that in your own words. This is what you get when you spend this money. Is it worth it? It's okay to put that in your own words and say it just like that. This definition is for you.

00:08:04 - Jenny GK
Doesn't matter.

00:08:05 - Caitlin Kindred
You're not sharing it with someone. It's fine. Okay. And then find an example or draw a picture or find a picture online and embed it or something. I cannot recommend this example picture thing enough because it gives you the context for how that term is used. Right.

00:08:23 - Jenny GK
I do this with my five year old who is learning to read. Yes. I will make him a checklist of what he needs to pack in his suitcase.

00:08:30 - Caitlin Kindred

00:08:30 - Jenny GK
And I will write the words. Now, there are icons next to the words, right. But there's no reason why he can't have the word socks on a checklist. If I also draw a pair of socks.

00:08:41 - Caitlin Kindred

00:08:42 - Jenny GK
Expose them to the language. Expose yourself.

00:08:44 - Caitlin Kindred

00:08:45 - Jenny GK
Like, do this doodle, make a hand motion, whatever it is that helps you remember delta is the mouth of a river. I had a fourth grader who pulled his fingers in his mouth and stretched it out as far as it would go, and that's how he remembered delta is the mouth of a river.

00:09:00 - Caitlin Kindred
Does look like a triangle, kind of. When you do that, too. I like it. Listen, see, this is going to sound crass, but it worked for Helen Keller. Right? Like, you put her hand under some water, and all of a sudden she was like, oh, that's what water is. Put a picture there. Put an example there of what the word is, because otherwise it doesn't all click together. If you would do it for your students, do it for yourself. Okay. I love that. Yeah. When you are in it, when you're in the weeds of what you're learning or your new job or you're trying to write your resume or whatever, keep that list up in front of you. Mine is always available. It's not necessarily always open because now I'm two years in.

00:09:43 - Jenny GK
But you have like a whole program for it, don't you?

00:09:45 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, I use notion.

00:09:46 - Jenny GK
Isn't there like a web tool? Yes, that's.

00:09:48 - Caitlin Kindred
I use notion for it.

00:09:49 - Jenny GK

00:09:49 - Caitlin Kindred
And I just have a list of a table and I put in new words at the top, and we'll get to that in just a second. But refer back to that list. I cannot say that enough because you're going to see that word and you're going to be like, wait, which one is that again? And you're going to want to make sure you know which one it is. And then as a transitioning teacher, you're going to look for opportunities to use that word in context. Just like you with your second graders telling them that this is the word that they're going to use, multiplicative association. You're going to encourage yourself to now say, oh, well, I did some calculations and I determined that the ROI on this would be okay.

00:10:32 - Jenny GK

00:10:33 - Caitlin Kindred
So you have to practice it just like you would make your kids practice it. You have to practice it, too. Okay. So I'm just going to go into a little bit of the value of this. As someone who's now been in this career for, again, two years. I keep my list sorted by most recent. Like, I just add new words to the top of my list so that I can see the newest one and try to commit that to memory as often as possible. Okay. The other day, I scrolled through my list and there are over 300 rows.

00:11:13 - Jenny GK

00:11:16 - Caitlin Kindred

00:11:17 - Jenny GK
So here is something that we've been studying at my school, and those of you who are regular listeners, you know that I work at an education research facility where we do teach, but we also study teaching and learning. One of the things we've been talking a lot about is language acquisition, because we've noticed that some of our more experienced and older learners are not as interested in learning elevated vocabulary as some of our younger learners.

00:11:49 - Caitlin Kindred
That's interesting.

00:11:50 - Jenny GK
And, well, the hypothesis on the table right now is when you are learning to speak and you're one, two, three years old, you are acquiring somewhere in the neighborhood of eight new words per day.

00:12:06 - Caitlin Kindred

00:12:08 - Jenny GK
And adults sometimes learn one or two new words a week.

00:12:14 - Caitlin Kindred

00:12:15 - Jenny GK
And so what we're seeing is not an aversion to learning, but actually a developmental shift in their language acquisition need. And since their brain isn't hungry for the new words as they're growing older, we have to create a need for this vocabulary. And one of the ways that we do it, Caitlin, is just using the words in context. And if they don't understand, we encourage them. Well, if you didn't know what that word meant, you need to ask me. I'm happy to tell you the definition, right? Or maybe someone in the community knows, right? There's 22 people in this room. I bet somebody knows the definition of that word, right?

00:12:53 - Caitlin Kindred
Who can tell them, right?

00:12:54 - Jenny GK
It's interesting that you say that.

00:12:58 - Caitlin Kindred
I'm just thinking about, like, those kids already speak school, right? That's the thing, right? They're in it. They've been in that career for a little while now, so they don't have a necessary need to learn every single new thing that comes their way. But you're right, you do have to create that for them. So by using words that they don't know, hopefully they start to ask. The problem is, when you're in a new career, pretty much every other word is a word you don't know.

00:13:27 - Jenny GK

00:13:29 - Caitlin Kindred
Someone used the word sprint, a sprint of content. I'm sorry, what? Right. What do you think when you hear the word sprint?

00:13:39 - Jenny GK
Can you hear me now?

00:13:40 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes, exactly. There's that one. There's also.

00:13:43 - Jenny GK
Oh, wait, that was pin drop, right? Sprint. Or is that MCI. Oh, my God, I'm sold. I just said MCI, dude. It was verizon. It was something totally different. Okay, great.

00:13:55 - Caitlin Kindred
But the other thing I always think of is like, the thing that I can't do, which is run fast.

00:14:03 - Jenny GK
I'm so unathletic, I didn't even think of that.

00:14:06 - Caitlin Kindred
Hey, look at you learning new words. Adulting. There's your one new word for the week. Right? This is it.

00:14:16 - Jenny GK
Yeah, right here. Okay, so what is a sprint of content?

00:14:18 - Caitlin Kindred
Sprint of content is a bunch of content that's related to one topic, like all at once. Or you have two or three blogs and you're going to write promotional content for all those things and you just.

00:14:32 - Jenny GK

00:14:33 - Caitlin Kindred
So I was like, oh, I think that was one of the first words I actually have written down in my list because it was used with me on the very first day of my new job where I was like, I.

00:14:43 - Jenny GK
Don'T know this part. So it's like a murder of crows. A sprint of content.

00:14:49 - Caitlin Kindred
Sure. So I looked at my list the other day, and some of them are acronyms, things like KPI.

00:15:00 - Jenny GK
Okay, what is that?

00:15:01 - Caitlin Kindred
Key performance indicators. These are the things that let you know how your content is performing.

00:15:05 - Jenny GK
Oh, wow. Okay.

00:15:06 - Caitlin Kindred
CRM. This is a fancy way of saying this is your customer relationship management software that you're going to use.

00:15:13 - Jenny GK

00:15:14 - Caitlin Kindred
UTM, which are, these are tracking parameters that you put onto links so people can see where you are clicking from. So if you ever click on a link that's like, in an email that's sent to you, and it says, here's the name of the link, ten things that I can do now that I have new shoes. And then it'll say, utm, email, utm, bottom, all that stuff. The UTM just says where you clicked. Some of them are words that I kind of knew ish before getting into this field based on the podcast, based on social media stuff that I had seen, like reach or impressions, which, by the way, those are two social media terms for if you're concerned about whether or not your posts are performing. Impressions are the number of times your social media post shows up on anyone's screen and reaches the number of times that a single person has seen it. So, for example, if you look at your post and it says your impressions are 50, then that means your post showed up on someone's screen 50 times. But it doesn't mean that 50 different people saw your post. It just means that it showed up 50 times somewhere. Could be the same person saw it 40 of those times.

00:16:41 - Jenny GK
Okay, I see.

00:16:43 - Caitlin Kindred
Reach is how many different people saw it. So if your reach is ten, but your impressions are 50, then that means ten different people saw it, but it got put on someone's screen 50 times.

00:16:56 - Jenny GK
Can I just say how cool it is that I am learning about transitioning, but I am also learning all of these new words today. This is cool for me. It's like, double lesson.

00:17:06 - Caitlin Kindred
Yay. That's the point. I'm trying to help people learn something. Right? I'm not an educator anymore. In the same sense. I missed that part.

00:17:14 - Jenny GK
Don't say that.

00:17:14 - Caitlin Kindred
I know.

00:17:15 - Jenny GK
It's so gross.

00:17:16 - Caitlin Kindred
I'm still doing it. I'm still teaching.

00:17:19 - Jenny GK
Once you're an aggie, always an aggie. Once a teacher, always a teacher.

00:17:22 - Caitlin Kindred
I was going to say, girl, I am not an aggie. I am a buff. Okay.

00:17:27 - Jenny GK

00:17:28 - Caitlin Kindred
Persona, as am I. Persona is a no one. A no one. Persona is not a no one. Persona is another one I've learned, which is just, this is the person, the target audience, and you're going to create characteristics for what that person is like, their wants, their needs, the things they struggle with, et cetera. Some of these are words or terms that I'd literally never heard in my life, and these are some of my favorite things. Ctr. This means click through rate. This is when your email got open and someone actually clicked on it. Also, did you know that someone could see if you're clicking in their email? Because they can. I did not know that you could actually see. Not only can you see how many individual people are clicking on your links in your emails, you can also see which link they clicked on. So if you have the same link in an email three times, you can see, oh, they liked the top one, but they didn't like the bottom one. Or they liked the hyperlink, but they didn't like the button. It's wild what you can see. That's interesting. A SWOT analysis, which, this is a very common business term, but I did not know it because we don't call it this. It's basically just assessing what your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges and stuff are. Right. So when we would talk about this with kids, we would say, like, what do you feel good at? What do you feel like?

00:19:04 - Jenny GK
Where's your growth edge?

00:19:05 - Caitlin Kindred
What do you feel like we need to work on? Right. What can we do now? What's our next step moving forward to fix these concerns and position you in a place to set you up for success. Right.

00:19:20 - Jenny GK
And how would we know that we have done?

00:19:22 - Caitlin Kindred
How would we know? Right. That's what your KPIs are. So that's what that's for, which we use that in education all the time. We just didn't have the same word for it. That's another thing that I've learned here is that so much of this stuff is like, oh, yeah, I know what that is, but I didn't know that's what you guys called it.

00:19:38 - Jenny GK
Right, right.

00:19:40 - Caitlin Kindred
And your GTM strategy, which is your go to market strategy. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. This is how we're going to present ourselves.

00:19:49 - Jenny GK
This little piggy went to market. This little pig did you know, for.

00:19:52 - Caitlin Kindred
The longest time, I did not know what it meant for that piggy to go to market. Oh.

00:19:56 - Jenny GK
He did not have a little handbasket, and he wasn't picking out apples.

00:19:59 - Caitlin Kindred
Right. I thought that that's what he was doing.

00:20:01 - Jenny GK
No, he was not coming back from.

00:20:04 - Caitlin Kindred
The market really long time until, like.

00:20:08 - Jenny GK
Three or four years ago, all the way home, running away from the market. Okay. Anyway, keep going.

00:20:15 - Caitlin Kindred
So anyway, I share all of this because looking back at these terms now, two years in, they all are very basic intro to marketing space terms, but for me, they were so foreign. And because ADHD masking is a problem, I would just sit there and be like, yeah, I get it all. And meanwhile, I'm, like, subtly typing in the background, like click clickety clickety clickety, trying to just make sure I hear every word. Not maybe not even paying attention to what I'm being asked to do, but rather just trying to process the language and then going back to my boss and saying, to be clear, here are the tasks, right? Because I couldn't process the difference in language and the task at the same time. So knowing now these terms that are so basic has just really shown what a Learner I have been over the past couple of years.

00:21:18 - Jenny GK
Yeah, well, and the fact that if these are basic terms, right, it's not something that someone would think to define in context.

00:21:28 - Caitlin Kindred
Exactly that. Exactly that.

00:21:29 - Jenny GK
So this is just like how people talk, right? I am telling you, when I moved to the school I'm at now, the community is so intellectual, and I love it.

00:21:39 - Caitlin Kindred

00:21:39 - Jenny GK
Like, my reading life is richer. I feel my vocabulary growing. I am thinking on a different level, but I remember within the first two weeks, I had to tell my boss, I don't even know what you asked me, let alone the answer to the question, right. Can you say, you have to tell me what that word, right?

00:21:59 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah. Can you say that to me like I'm five? Because I really am going back to being five. And learning eight words a day now.

00:22:07 - Jenny GK
Luckily, I was recruited for this gig, so I knew they wanted me. So I could say like, hey, I'm really dumb. I don't know this word.

00:22:14 - Caitlin Kindred
I swear I'm good at teaching math, and I swear I'm good at getting kids to think critically. But also, please tell me with what you just said.

00:22:20 - Jenny GK
Right, well, and he was really just asking me if I had younger siblings.

00:22:30 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, man.

00:22:32 - Jenny GK
Kind of embarrassing. Yeah. I'm the oldest.

00:22:36 - Caitlin Kindred
Thanks. Oh, man. Well, it showed me 300 words. Like, that's crazy. I'm sure I missed a few somewhere, right?

00:22:46 - Jenny GK
I'm sure, absolutely.

00:22:48 - Caitlin Kindred
But I've come very far in these two years. But I also have so much more. I'm learning all the time, right. If there's anything you learn in teaching, it's that you're always a student of learning, which is such a weird thing to say. You're a student of learning, right? It changes all the time. What's considered to be a best practice now is definitely not what was best practiced 1520, 3000 years ago.

00:23:18 - Jenny GK
Sold the story. Sorry, just advertising for the podcast.

00:23:23 - Caitlin Kindred
So just knowing that if you are a transitioning teacher or if you're just looking to change jobs or careers, especially for teachers, the love of learning that you have is going to be so valuable when that transition does happen for you. But I encourage you to just look into your field, your new chosen field that you want to go into right now and start defining those words, because when you speak the language, it looks like you belong.

00:23:50 - Jenny GK
And right now, so powerful. What a great statement, q.

00:23:54 - Caitlin Kindred
Right now, you don't.

00:23:55 - Jenny GK
And I don't even think it's, you look like you belong. No, when you speak the language, you can belong.

00:24:00 - Caitlin Kindred
You do belong. If you don't speak it, you don't belong. And that's the.

00:24:04 - Jenny GK
And this is why we capitalize the word deaf, right? Because deaf culture has a language, right?

00:24:12 - Caitlin Kindred
It's a community, the deaf community. It's called that for a reason.

00:24:16 - Jenny GK
I love this. I love this. When you speak the language, you belong, right? That's so cool. I love it. Yeah.

00:24:21 - Caitlin Kindred
So hopefully that was helpful, but we're going to take a break here and we'll come right back with our circle time. Okay, so we're back, and the reason is because Jenny just told me to capture that quote of when you speak the language, you belong. So I typed it out and then I put me as the when you.

00:24:55 - Jenny GK
Speak the language, but not like belong, not like me. Caitlin kindred me. I'm quoting myself here.

00:25:03 - Caitlin Kindred
I'm awesome.

00:25:04 - Jenny GK
That's awesome. All right, so let me talk about what I've been obsessed with. Last week was my birthday. It was phenomenal. Yay. It was so good. And the GK birthday celebration is very stirred up by me.

00:25:28 - Caitlin Kindred

00:25:28 - Jenny GK
Like, I am a firm believer that if your birthday is coming and you want people to make a big deal about it, you have to tell them that it's coming. My birthday is not a national holiday yet, so I have to remind people that January 9 is approaching. And this year I turned 40. Woo.

00:25:47 - Caitlin Kindred

00:25:47 - Jenny GK
It was so great. So I celebrated for 40 days leading up to my birthday. So I really had 41 days of birthday because my birthday was day zero, not day one. So I counted down 40 days, and then the 41st day was my birthday. But it was just such a great day. I was woken up by my family with confetti cannons, which was amazing. Even better than that. John cleaned up the.

00:26:15 - Caitlin Kindred

00:26:17 - Jenny GK
So, like, that was really cool. Yeah, I got some really great gifts that morning from my family. And I am going to say the gifts because they are funny.

00:26:30 - Caitlin Kindred

00:26:30 - Jenny GK
Normally, I will not be like, oh.

00:26:32 - Caitlin Kindred
I got this, I got that.

00:26:33 - Jenny GK
I got this. We even talked about this around the holidays, saying we don't need to share exactly what we're getting. Sometimes that doesn't feel great, but these stories are worth it. I got a bottle of Chardonnay from.

00:26:52 - Caitlin Kindred

00:26:53 - Jenny GK
Because we are going in the spring. Yay. So excited. And I had mentioned to know I really don't like Chardonnay. I'm going to have to develop a taste for it between now and March because I know it's a major grape of the region. And I think the reason I don't like Chardonnay is because I've been drinking crap Chardonnay. So he did some research and found a great bottle from a great year and bought it for me and said, here, if you're going to start, you need to start with something that's good. Yeah, totally.

00:27:25 - Caitlin Kindred

00:27:26 - Jenny GK
So that was really fun. Better than that, though, was he has pre ordered for me a autographed copy of Becky Lynch's book. Oh, if you don't know who Becky lynch is, it's because you don't watch professional wrestling.

00:27:47 - Caitlin Kindred
This was something that had to be explained to me because I do not watch professional wrestling.

00:27:53 - Jenny GK
However, you told during the height of.

00:27:56 - Caitlin Kindred
Lockdown, now my memory is triggered and I'm like, oh, right, okay. Right. Yeah.

00:28:03 - Jenny GK
So during the height of lockdown, there were no sports. But guess what? Those rednecks who wrestle. They still got together. So we watched a lot of wrestling because we needed sports in our lives. And my favorite wrestler during this period was big time Becks.

00:28:22 - Caitlin Kindred
This is why Excel Olympics became a thing, right? Yeah, because of your need for sports. Hilarious.

00:28:30 - Jenny GK
So big time Vex wrote a book. I cannot wait to get my hands on it. I do not know who she thinks her readership is, but I am excited.

00:28:44 - Caitlin Kindred
Well, she's got one reader and it.

00:28:47 - Jenny GK
Is my first time to read a memoir of a wrestler.

00:28:50 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, well, it crosses off your book.

00:28:53 - Jenny GK
Wrestlers memoir, I read.

00:28:55 - Caitlin Kindred
I'm sure that it will be.

00:28:56 - Jenny GK
I can't imagine it's a very wide genre.

00:28:58 - Caitlin Kindred
No. Maybe the rock will write something.

00:29:02 - Jenny GK
Oh, I bet he already has.

00:29:04 - Caitlin Kindred
Oh, maybe I don't, man. Yeah, like, I don't know what you'd call it. Like the can't. I like how I just tried to make my eyebrows go. My eyebrows are so botox, they don't go anywhere. Why did I just try to make my eyebrows?

00:29:18 - Jenny GK
Well, you know, John can do it really well with both eyebrows.

00:29:21 - Caitlin Kindred
Like, he can. Yeah. Yeah.

00:29:24 - Jenny GK
And Abby desperately wants to be able to do so. She. Every time she gets in the car, she, like, practices in the makeup mirror. And she has even started taking pictures of herself and drawing lines across the picture digitally to see if one eyebrow actually is raising higher than the other.

00:29:40 - Caitlin Kindred
She is so your kid. Because that's the most extra research. And how hyper focused is that? That's a hyper fixation for.

00:29:50 - Jenny GK
What are your hobbies? I play flag football and I study everything I can about Taylor Swift. And I practice raising my eyebrow like the rock.

00:29:59 - Caitlin Kindred
That was how I learned how to touch my tongue to my nose is. I would, like, force it, but now I can do.

00:30:07 - Jenny GK
See, there you go. If you work hard at something, I can do it. What is it? Doc Brown said you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.

00:30:17 - Caitlin Kindred
And push your tongue up to your nose a little bit.

00:30:19 - Jenny GK
To your nose? Yeah.

00:30:22 - Caitlin Kindred
Well, I'm glad you had a great birthday. Happy 40th.

00:30:24 - Jenny GK
I sure did.

00:30:25 - Caitlin Kindred
I did not tell you anything because I figured when we go to Napa, we're going to do the things there, so.

00:30:32 - Jenny GK
Yes. No, that is the present that we are going together and that it is booked. I am so excited.

00:30:36 - Caitlin Kindred
I know.

00:30:37 - Jenny GK
It's like check top.

00:30:38 - Caitlin Kindred
Exactly. It's actually going to happen. Okay, well, mine is not that cool, but I don't know if collagen eye patches actually work. But I know that I keep mine in a cool place so that when I put them under my eyes, it's just cold and it feels good.

00:30:54 - Jenny GK
I have mine in the fridge. Yeah.

00:30:55 - Caitlin Kindred
And I'm just that extra that I walk around my neighborhood when I go for my walk, I have my eye patch on and I just keep them on because it's been cold in the mornings, so it feels even better because it's just like. Yeah. And I honestly have no idea if they work. I don't know.

00:31:11 - Jenny GK
They do.

00:31:12 - Caitlin Kindred
I can't really see a difference.

00:31:13 - Jenny GK
They feel good. They work.

00:31:14 - Caitlin Kindred
Feel good.

00:31:15 - Jenny GK
There you go.

00:31:16 - Caitlin Kindred
So I've been that person, and they were put in my stocking, and by put in my stocking, I mean I used my husband's credit card to fill my own stocking, and I put more eye patches in it. So nice. He told me to do it. It's not like I did it without permission. He was like, if you're going to fill your own stocking, at least use my card. Sure, no problem. I can make that.

00:31:36 - Jenny GK

00:31:36 - Caitlin Kindred
But that's what I put in there.

00:31:38 - Jenny GK
We have a common friend. Mutual friend, I think is the word I'm supposed to use. Not common. Who, for her 30th, had a pinata full of face masks and eye patches. Yeah, I loved it. It was the craziest 30th birthday party I had ever been to here for it. She had, like, a popcorn machine and an outdoor movie screen, like the inflatable one, and we sat on the ground and watched a movie, ate popcorn, and did a pinata full of face masks.

00:32:08 - Caitlin Kindred
Sounds perfect.

00:32:10 - Jenny GK
And eye patches.

00:32:10 - Caitlin Kindred
I love this part.

00:32:11 - Jenny GK
And scrunchie. Yeah, perfect.

00:32:13 - Caitlin Kindred
Absolutely love it. Well, that sounds like a gem. You have any other ones?

00:32:18 - Jenny GK
Oh, yes. I actually have two.

00:32:20 - Caitlin Kindred

00:32:21 - Jenny GK
And both of them are short, so I'm not going to steal too much of your time. The first one is, we have added a midday dose for Abigail, and she's completely on board. Right. We are very open about discussing with Abby what kind of medication she wants to take and when she wants to take it. And so this is the first week back into school, first week taking a midday dose at school, trying to remember. So the other day, I look at her and I was like, did you take your meds? And she says, this pill is for remembering. How am I supposed to remember it? And it just made me think of all those memes. It's like the cure for ADHD is.

00:33:09 - Caitlin Kindred
Remembering to take a pill at the.

00:33:10 - Jenny GK
Same time every day.

00:33:12 - Caitlin Kindred
It's the cruelest thing on the planet that these meds are also so intensely regulated, because that means that we have to call we have to remember to call to refill the prescription.

00:33:27 - Jenny GK
I know.

00:33:28 - Caitlin Kindred
It is the most horrific irony of all the things that, like, how am I supposed to know?

00:33:34 - Jenny GK
Well, and let me tell you this, Caitlin. How did I remember that she needed to take it? I set an alarm on my phone.

00:33:40 - Caitlin Kindred

00:33:40 - Jenny GK
Because I wouldn't remember neither.

00:33:43 - Caitlin Kindred
No, there's no remembering. There's no remembering.

00:33:47 - Jenny GK
Yeah. No. So that was hilarious. Okay, so the other thing is, on the first Sunday of 2024, my church opened with don't stop believing by journey, which I thought was hilarious. And then the pastor comes out to do the welcome, and he's like, welcome to 2024. This is the year that we will have Olympics in Paris. It is a leap year, it is an election year, so get excited for that. But most importantly, this is the year where we will finally get resolution on Travis, Kelsey and Taylor Swift.

00:34:24 - Caitlin Kindred
Also, all those things together feel like the apocalypse is like, I'm not really one of those people, but that feels like a lot in one year. But that's hilarious.

00:34:34 - Jenny GK
Yeah, I died. I was like, oh, right. That is the most important thing that's going to happen in 2024. We will decide whether their relationship continues or if it ends. And then he says, either way, we get a new album.

00:34:50 - Caitlin Kindred
This person knows their audience.

00:34:53 - Jenny GK
Yeah, it was great. I was like, that is hilarious. Welcome to 2024.

00:34:57 - Caitlin Kindred
Did you see Taylor Lawrence, who has been a guest on our show, recently, put up a reel that was talking about how nobody's watching tv?

00:35:06 - Jenny GK
Nobody watches tv except football.

00:35:10 - Caitlin Kindred
It's the number one thing people are watching. And because the football fan base has increased so much because of Taylor Swift. So I thought that was.

00:35:19 - Jenny GK
Did you see, there was an infographic that I think she was referencing, the.

00:35:24 - Caitlin Kindred
One about all the foot with all the footballs on it.

00:35:26 - Jenny GK
Yes. And it's like the 20 most viewed things on tv in 2023, and all of them were football except for the oscars and the Thanksgiving parade.

00:35:43 - Caitlin Kindred
Wow, I missed that last part, but, oh, man. Yeah, it was all little footballs all across the.

00:35:47 - Jenny GK
That was all footballs and then an Oscar statue and a Turkey.

00:35:50 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah. Fascinating. Unbelievable. Also ironic that the parade gets watched more than the actual football games that are happening, but I think that's because people are in the kitchen in the morning and they're eating in the afternoon.

00:36:00 - Jenny GK
Yes. Well, and, you know, in my family, we have a rule. The turkey has to get in the oven before the rockets come on.

00:36:06 - Caitlin Kindred
Yes, I remember.

00:36:07 - Jenny GK
So they put the parade on because it's like a timer.

00:36:09 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, exactly. I just put it on because I forced my husband to watch it because I like it. So here's mine. My obsessions, my gems. I'm traveling for work and I'm going to see my bosses, who I haven't seen in six months in person. And they make me laugh. One of my love languages is gift giving. I find little things that make me think of people and I have to get them. My boss is. One of them is. She's California girl, San Diego person, but she's a little bit older than us. And you wouldn't think it, but she's obsessed with Snoop Dogg. She's like this little, tiny little person who's so sweet and innocent and all these things and makes mistakes of what things she should say, but they end up sounding doesn't. But it doesn't occur to. So. But she's obsessed with Snoop. And I found this postit notepad on Etsy that says scribbles for shizzles. And it has his face. It has Snoop's face on it. And it made me laugh so hard. I was like, I have to have this for her. But the other thing is, it's a company of mostly women. There's one man, and he's our boss, and he's used to the conversation turning to female oriented topics. It happens all the time. We've talked about this before. Fingernails.

00:37:38 - Jenny GK
He has asked to see your. I was just going to say he's asked to see your manager. Do I get to see the nails or what?

00:37:44 - Caitlin Kindred
And we've talked about men that we find to be attractive. Like celebrity men that we find to be attractive. We all know mine's Idris Elba. It will always and forever be Idris Elba. He's just. Yes, but he chimed in. He was like, what are you guys doing? This is all wrong. The answer is Tom Selleck. Which is hilarious, because that's also.

00:38:07 - Jenny GK
Oh, my gosh. That also is a great quote.

00:38:09 - Caitlin Kindred

00:38:09 - Jenny GK
This is all wrong. The answer is, what are you doing?

00:38:12 - Caitlin Kindred
You guys are all incorrect. The answer is Tom Selleck. And then this is even funnier to me because this is also, if my husband were to have a voice in this conversation, he would also say, I.

00:38:24 - Jenny GK
Mean, I would also say Tom sell.

00:38:26 - Caitlin Kindred
I have to agree. Right? He was gorgeous in.

00:38:30 - Jenny GK
I was just going to say, you could pick any era. And I'll say, tom Selleck.

00:38:34 - Caitlin Kindred
Yeah, he's beautiful now on blue bloods. If it's still on, I have no idea. But he's a beautiful.

00:38:42 - Jenny GK

00:38:42 - Caitlin Kindred
Right? Well, I know what I'm about. So I was again, on Etsy, and I found a Tom Selleck t shirt that I had to buy for my husband, which I did buy, but I also found this, which is a Tom Selleck baseball card from when he was Mr.

00:39:00 - Jenny GK
Baseball. There's two of them. Oh, my God, y'all. This mustache with the baseball pants.

00:39:13 - Caitlin Kindred
I mean, for real, there's a reason why a lot of women like to just passively watch baseball.

00:39:20 - Jenny GK
So I have a Nolan Ryan card, like, on my makeup mirror in my car. I might need to get a Tom Sellick card to go with it. Yeah.

00:39:29 - Caitlin Kindred
So I bought two sets. One is for my husband to go along with his t shirt, and the.

00:39:37 - Jenny GK
Other and one for your boss. My boss, yeah. That's what I'm going to bring. That's so good.

00:39:41 - Caitlin Kindred
When we see each other in a week or so.

00:39:42 - Jenny GK
That's so great. I love it.

00:39:44 - Caitlin Kindred
But they just both made me laugh. So those are my gems.

00:39:48 - Jenny GK
I love it. Before we go, it has occurred to me that I never defined multiplicative association. Please do so when you have a multiplicative series with three or more factors. So that means you're multiplying three or more numbers together. You can do it in any order you like, right? You don't have to do three times five, times 40. You could do three times 40, times five when you change the count like that, and you multiply in whatever order makes the most sense to you. That's called multiplicative association.

00:40:23 - Caitlin Kindred
I like it. I had to teach my kids about multiplicative identity a lot.

00:40:29 - Jenny GK
This means that you can multiply the number by one and it will stay the same. Exactly. But you can also use different forms of the number one.

00:40:35 - Caitlin Kindred

00:40:35 - Jenny GK
Like 21. 21st.

00:40:38 - Caitlin Kindred
Exactly that. That's how I did it. I was using it in the context of, well, algebra, but also finding percentages.

00:40:46 - Jenny GK
Yes. There you go. So when you are looking to change the count out. Nice. Using multiplicative association, make good choices.

00:40:57 - Caitlin Kindred
And it's okay to be a student of new things and learn new words because that's how you enter into communities. And long live Tom Selleck.

00:41:08 - Jenny GK

00:41:09 - Caitlin Kindred
Okay, byew

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