How to Be a Grownup: A Humorous Guide for Moms, with CK & GK

6 Lies In Popular Disney Films: Uncover the Dark History with CK & GK

Jenny GK and Caitlin Kindred Season 2 Episode 73

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Get ready to uncover the dark truths behind your favorite Disney movies with Caitlin and Jenny on the CK & GK Podcast. From Pocahontas to Frozen, they'll explore the historical inaccuracies and societal implications that may have been overlooked. What happens when the tales we love are not what they seem? Find out on this episode of the CK & GK Podcast!

From this episode, you’ll be able to:

  • Challenge your perception of beloved Disney films by identifying inaccuracies.
  • Be able to answer your kids’ “But why?” and “What happened to…?” questions during popular Disney films.
  • Uncover the true story behind Pocahontas, the true (and dark) stories of The Little Mermaid and Hercules, and the misrepresented historical accuracies of Beauty and the Beast and The Princess and the Frog.

A diehard fan and self-proclaimed history nerd, Caitlin loves uncovering the lesser-known stories that inspired these beloved Disney films. Join her as she dives into fascinating histories and dark truths from the likes of Pocahontas, The Little Mermaid, and other childhood favorites. Jenny’s love for Disney adds a touch of magic to Caitlin’s historical analysis. Sit back and enjoy the delightful blend of humor and intelligent analysis that only CK & GK can deliver!

Deepen Your Knowledge!

  • Read the original Hans Christian Anderson story of The Little Mermaid to compare to the Disney version.
  • Research the Greek and Roman mythology behind Hercules to learn more about the true story.
  • Listen to the soundtrack of Disney's Hercules and enjoy the music (like the Tarzan soundtrack, this one is a banger).
  • Watch Beauty and the Beast and see if you can spot the anachronisms, like the Eiffel Tower.
  • Research the French Revolution and the literacy of women during the time period of Beauty and the Beast.

Resources We Used in This Episode

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Almost had an expletive come out of my mouth. I didn't tell her that we were recording. I just started talking. That's got to be the new opener. Like, you just oh, we're recording.

Oh, she already said, oh, my gosh. It's so funny that you would say that. Somebody was listening to one of our past episodes, and, you know, we had that cold open that was like, oh, I didn't know we were still recording. I didn't know. And he just texted me, I didn't know.

I didn't know.

That's one of my favorite bloopers. We have a few, but that's one of the best ones, I think. I love that one. All right, everyone, we're so glad you're here today. I'm feeling a little spicy.

So we are sharing some of the ways that Disney movies are much like us over here at the CK and GK production team fact adjacent. Love it. I think our next sticker iteration should say fact adjacent at the bottom. Needs to stick around and find out just how dark The Little Mermaid is, because it is so much darker than 1989. Walt Disney Productions have you believing.

Super dark. Well, speaking of Disney, Caitlin's new nickname is Peter Pan because she's my happy thought. Stop it. That was so cute. I might actually cry over oh, don't.

I just googled Disney pickup lines. Oh, stop. She cries over a Google result, and that's a pickup line. The other one I found was, we can call her Poo because all I want is you, honey. No, I don't want to be called poo and honey in the same sentence.

Yeah, well, the compliment I have to give you today has to do with The Little Mermaid, because Flounder and you have a fish tank because it's a tactical but you are my favorite sophisticated I can't even say the word sophisticatedly. Flustered sunfish. Oh, my gosh. What does it even mean? It means it's not when I was, like, eight or nine, my favorite animal was ocean sunfish.

Really? Yes. They're like large, big, flat disks. Well, now it's a squid. Squid.

I'm showing her. She gasped because I got her a little finger puppet. That is the cutest little squid ever, and she just doesn't have it in her hands yet. But it's so precious. It even has little curly ton of gold.

I'm so excited to put it on my finger. Yes. All right, what's going on? Okay, so, of course I am still obsessed with my fish tank. We are going to feed baby Jessica.

I'm so excited. If you don't know who Baby Jessica is, go back and listen to last week episode, because there's a great story there. But it would not be interesting if I said I was obsessed with my fish tank every week for, like, the next who knows, 14 weeks until the novelty went on. So I am instead am obsessed with bead bracelet trading at concerts. Explain.

Okay, so it's like a Taylor Swift phenomenon. People make bead bracelets and then trade them at the show. Okay? I am not a swiftie. I do not know these things.

Well, I didn't know this either until Abigail went right. And there's all different color patterns, or you match it to the album cover, or you put the names of songs or whatever, and you bring the bracelets and you trade with other fans. Is this like the letter beads or like the pony beads that we all know and love? Yes. And it's also these things called clay diss.

They're like flat beads. Yeah. Okay, so we are going to a concert this weekend, and Abby said, let's make bead bracelets. That's so sweet. We have spent the day making, I don't even know, like, 20 different bead bracelets with all different phrases and songs that go along with the concert we're going to.

I love that. How cute. Yeah. We might be the only people who bring bracelets. Yeah.

So it might just be giving bead. Bracelets to people, or you might have to just, like, throw them out in the air and see what happens. Because I don't know how people are going to take if it's not a thing at this point. Okay, well, mine is not the Miriam Webster Instagram account just slowly becoming my absolute favorite. Wait.

Why? Instagram account? I'm not even kidding. Go. Look up.

Dorothy. Sorry. Listen, I just had a nerd stuck in my throat. If this is what it means to be a word nerd, I'm all about it. So at Miriam Webster on Instagram, you can't even say this out loud.

You can't. They're getting hilarious. You know how there's some accounts that are just fun? It's just a funny account. If you're not following Cinnabon on Twitter, you should, because it'll be like, who likes Cinnabons?

That's the tweet, like, the whole or it's like, do you like frosting? Or follow this? And I'll like it back. And it's like, stupidest stuff, and it's all, like, grammatically incorrect and lowercase, and it's hysterical. Right.

I don't know why it's funny, but it is the national Parks Twitter account I have seen. Also very funny. Right. Miriam Webster, whoever is running their social needs a raise, because this is getting Mr. Webster, clearly and his wife Miriam, I don't know.

Yeah. So this account, the one that cracked me up the other day, is they defined I think the word is grollocks. This is a noun. It is a series of typographical symbols, like a money sign and then a pound sign and an exclamation point. And when you see them, you use those as a replacement for swear word.

Yes. Right.

So it gives you the definition, but then there's more to it. So this particular post says, congratulations, and it's time we had a little talk about your use of expletive infixation. And expletive infixation is the linguistic term for profanity inserted into a word for emphasis. So, like when you say fan bleeping tastic, right? That's what we're talking about here.

And it goes on and why do we say fan bleeping tastic but not fantastic bleeping tick. Right. Why do we put it it goes on to explain it. I'm not going to bore you with all of it now, but here's the end of it. Okay.

What about unbelievable? Where the emphasis? It has to do with where you put the emphasis on the syllable is. Basically the there's some science to swearing. Yes.

So if you say unbelieping believable, that follows the normal pattern, but you can also say unbleeping believable and it still works. Right. So then the line after that is either works listen to your heart. This is coming from Miriam Webster.

It says, Why do you know this? These rules were never explicitly taught to you. You learned them as you learned language. And it's like your sub bleeping conscious is a powerful thing. Hilarious.

Try inserting an expletive in the following words, and then it says, no need to respond with your answers. We're family friendly. Dictionary over here. Abso bleeping lootly. Then it gives you Hypocritical, minnesota an avocado.

AVO freaking cado. Like MENA flipping soda. It's so funny to me that this is what they're doing, but it's not the first time I've seen them doing this. So now the mirror and Webster Instagram account is hilarious. A must follow.

This particular post, as of it was posted six days ago. As of right now, it already has 60,000.

I had a friend in college who was from Pasadena, Texas, and at Texas A and M, there is a traditional way to introduce yourself. Okay? You say where you're from, you say your major, you say your year that you're graduating. And she would always say, pass a get down, dina, Texas. Oh, no, you're talking about nerds.

No. Shout out to Laura from pass a get down, Deena, Texas. I can't with you, Laura. You are precious. But no.

One of their Tweets is Cleopatra lived closer in time to Yeet being in the dictionary than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. This is what they're doing. It's hysterical. But whoever is doing is a genius. And who is buying dictionaries anymore?

Nobody. Nobody. They're doing a great job. They're marketing. When's the last time you said Miriam Webster?

30 seconds ago. But also before that, when I found the account. And then before that, it had been 20 years. You know what I mean? It's brilliant and I love it.

Talk about relevancy, y'all. I know. It's amazing. Amazing. So that's my obsession.

Love it. Love it. Okay, so as everyone knows, this is my favorite part of the show. This is the gem of the week. And it's when you can either laugh with me or at me.

This week, it's both. Because you get to laugh with me that my child said something funny, and at me that this is my kid.

My four year old son says to me this morning, you know what we should do tonight? And I figured he was going to say, play that shark attack board game that we found when we cleaned out the garage. Oh, jeez. He says we should have zombie night and pretend to eat brains.

Because I. Am the mom that I am. I said, oh, that sounds great. Let's do it. I'm not quite sure how we pretend to eat brains or what zombie night entails, but at some point this evening, he's going to look at me and say, are we doing zombie night?

So you needed one of those snowballs, the pink snowballs, to get those. And those are brains. That'd be good because Jello is just going to be gross. Oh, yeah. The other one that we used to do is when I was a psychology student, but also when I was a ta.

An orange kind of looks like that inside. It has all that webbing and stuff. The top of the orange, the part that's underneath the pith looks like a brain. You could do that. Orange.

I like the snowball. Yeah. I mean, if I'm giving the choice. Of snowball or orange yeah, I know which one I'm taking for sure. Well, my child has definitely come into his own.

We buy those, you know, drumstick, like the traditional ice cream. Oh, yeah. They have all different sizes, in case you weren't aware, dear listener friend. They have the traditional drumstick, but they have a mini, like a baby one that's like we love the baby. So great.

And there's an in between her and it's called a little drum.

I know. Yeah. It's a good size for a five, six, seven year old child. It's also a good size for his mother when she's had one ice cream. And it's not enough, so we just go with it.

But the thing that is interesting about them is the way that they're wrapped, right? They have like that paper on them that's like so you have to peel it. It's like when you have to be cautious about when you're opening up the cannabiscuits. Like if you peel it, it'll pop open. Well, that's kind of how the little drum is.

You peel it and then the wrapper comes off. Well, I'm watching him peel this thing and he's throwing the peel of this lil drum on the floor of my house. Like just dropping it on the floor. Like you're walking down the street peeling an orange in the park. And you just leave the peels on the ground because they're going to decompose or whatever.

That's what he's doing. He's just leaving pieces of paper on my floor that are covered in ice cream. Ice cream. So, like, if they're chocolate sauce, right, so if it's turned over, it's going to leave an ice cream, like, sticker on my floor. I was so annoyed.

And I looked at him. And I was like, okay, just a thought, sam what if and I'm just thinking, what if you did that, that opening of the ice cream over the garbage camp? Just a thought. He goes, Nah, doing that's for idiots. And I'm not.

Excuse me. Doing that is for idiots. A real idiot is going to leave that ice cream wrapper, right? The one who leaves the ice cream wrapper on the floor in front of his mother is the real idiot, let me tell you what. And he just looks at me, he's like, I'm going to pick it up.

I was like, yeah, absolutely. There's no question in my mind that you're going to pick this up. I know you're going to. I was just thinking maybe you wouldn't have, right? Or I thought you could make it easier on everyone and just go put your foot on the pedal of the trash can and then just peel a wrapper up and dump it down like no big deal.

Doing that is for idiots. And I'm not an idiot. You know, my uncle taught us when we were very young that sharing is for sissies. So the Shannon method is sharing is for sissies. Maybe the Kindred method is trash cans are for idiots.

Sharing is for sissies. We could have a whole conversation about sharing for parents that I have very strong feelings about sharing as the eldest of five children, but that is a whole other conversation for another time. We'll be right back after this promo from our friends at TV Trivia Pod.

All right, so let's talk about what the Disney movies did not tell you. Let's talk about what they got wrong. Okay? I have one story, so you tell me when it's my turn, because I know you have way more than one. I have so many because I love this stuff.

But I'm just going to say everyone knows the story, especially people. Our generation knows the story. Pocahontas, the movie, which sometimes the music just cannot come out of my head. But in the movie, Pocahontas, the daughter of the Algonquin chief, falls in love with John Smith, who's an English colonist. That's not how it went down, folks.

In reality, Pocahontas was eleven years old. She's captured, she's married off to John Ralph, she moves to England, and by moves, she's forcibly taken to England. She dies at age 21, most likely of tuberculosis. It's a whole sad thing. So we thought that we would share some of these other truths that go into these Disney movies, these historical inaccuracies.

For all the times that your kids ask you questions about what really happened in the movie, some of these facts just might get you some peace and quiet when you tell them to your kid. And they actually are like, oh, and they have to think about it. So maybe they'll be curious about it on their own. Maybe that's wishful thinking. Who knows?

Are there any spoilers on this. Maybe seeing as how the newest movie is, like, ten years old, I think it's okay. No, I would think we're okay. Yeah. But I'm going to put this out there.

This is a fair warning to everyone who's listening. If you have kids in the card, they might not like this episode. Putting that out there. This is also not the OOH that Didn't Age well episode. Right?

This is not the lack of consent in Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. This is not the disgusting and horrifying blatant racism in Peter Pan or the Aristocats. This is a historical discussion. Right. This is by no means a complete if you all like this episode, I have so much more, and you can do a part two.

Okay, cool. But I'm going to start with because I've heard nothing but good things about this live action Little Mermaid. I have to start with The Little Mermaid. Okay. But I'm talking about the 1989 version, the redhead princess that I adore and love and who has purple shells and is animated, and there's probably something inappropriate on the COVID and it might be.

On a VHS cover in my garage. In your garage? Yes. Okay, so gadgets and gizmos of plenty, right? Right.

I just triggered an earworm for a lot of people. Okay. Not so much. All right. This story is written by Hans Christian Anderson and Ariel, the one that we know and love is actually unnamed throughout the original text.

So that name is not something that Hans Christian Anderson uses. She actually is the youngest of, I believe it's five sisters, okay. Instead of seven, named after the 70s, which is why they all have it. That's what they're named after the seventies. Oh, my gosh.

I was today years old. Yeah. They're also to represent each of the 70s, just so you know. Like, the other sisters have a garden. All the sisters have a garden that they nurture in their space.

And all the sisters have little trinkets from the surface. Ariel hates them. She doesn't actually have them in her garden. Wait, what? Yeah, Ariel hates the trinkets.

She only has some little red flowers and a statue. Is there no scuttle in the original? There's no scuttle. It's not the same thing. Okay, keep going.

Well, in the movie, we know that King Triton is not a fan of his daughters going to the surface. They're banned from going there. Right? In Hansford Anderson's story. No, they're not.

The answer months, right? Yes. Sorry.

In Hans Christian Anderson's story, at age 15, all mermaids go to the surface. All of them. Oh, for like, a rum springer. Exactly. That's exactly what it is.

I'm so glad you said the word, because I can't say it, but they all go to visit the surface at night to watch the birds and the ships and the townspeople. It's like a coming of age kind of thing, right? Yes. When the story begins. Ariel's oldest sister is turning 15.

Soon each of her four sisters gets to go up there and see, and then they're all like, all right, I've done my thing. And then they all come back down because they've decided it's not worth it to be up there. In Hansa's version, the mermaids have a longer lifespan than humans, but when they do die, they turn into seafoam. So they live for, like, 300 years, but then they turn into seafoam, whereas humans have a soul, and when they die, their life is shorter, but they get to live on in their soul. Right.

It's an immortal soul. So Ariel, the little mermaid, who, again, is not named, but I'm calling her Ariel, she finds out about this, and then she actually gets jealous about this, and she's like, well, I'd rather be a human for one day and have an immortal soul than be a mermaid for 300 years and then turn into seafoam. And her grandmother actually says, the only way for that to happen is for you to marry a human, that he has to fall in love with you, and then you have to get married. And that's how that's happened. It wow.

This is totally different. Yeah, very different. So she goes to the sea witch. Is the sea witch actually inspired by the amazingly talented dry queen, actor singer, Divine? No, of course not.

She visits the sea witch and remember those they are, like, creepy little like, the thing that Ursula turns the people. Into when they can't pay the price. Yeah, it's happened once or twice. Someone couldn't pay the price. Yes.

The little, like, polyp looking things. Yes. Okay. So those are actually inspired by something in the story. They're like, half plant, half human.

So that's the inspiration for those. So mermaid is half fish, half human. Yes. And these things are half plant, so. They lose their fish tails and get root plant.

Yeah, exactly. She goes to the seawich. There's all these weird polypy plant things outside. There's also human bones. Human bones?

Yes. And she sees arms reaching for her and, like, bones of fallen sea men and workers. Right. And also other little mermaids. Yeah.

It gets so much worse. If your kids are in the car, I'm going to just tell you to skip so much darker. Here's the dark part, and I'm going to go through it really quick. She loses her voice in the movie, the sea witch actually cuts out her tongue. OMG.

Yeah. Her fin her bottom half is split into two legs in the story. Yeah, that happens. But every single step she takes feels like she's walking on hot knives. Yeah.

She ends up having to wait on the woman who marries the prince in the story. So, like, Vanessa is a real thing. She's not Vanessa, obviously. Right, you're right. But she's a real thing.

But then Ariel ends up serving this woman. No. Yeah. The woman who the prince thinks rescued him. So Ariel's like, waiting on her as she's getting ready for the wedding.

It's like, kind of miserable. And then her sisters do some sacrificing of their hair to try and keep Ariel from dying or whatever, and then they give her a dagger, and they say she's supposed to kill the prince, but she doesn't. So then she gets turned into an air spirit for doing a good deed so that she can one day maybe regain her soul or something. It's just like what? It is so much darker than you think.

It's so much darker to be in the boardroom when someone pitched this as a Disney movie. Right? Let's change this to this. Here's what we got. It says, feels like walking on knives.

I'm thinking we just send her up to the surface and wrap her in a sail. It says that she's going to have her voice be carried in a shell now, but it did say that basically the tongue was like a necklace. So I think that we've got it fixed. It here. Yeah, it's fixed.

She hates objects from the human world.

Right? She's going to love him so much that she brushes her hair with it.

Like, what? So anyway, it's so dark. The real story is and I'm attaching the I found a BuzzFeed article that lists, like, all the things and I've read this story by Hansford Anderson before, but I found a nice summary of it. I'm going to attach it to the blog post for this episode, but you have to see it. It's great.

Let's talk about another dark story. Ready? Hercules y'all. I watched Hercules with my child, like, just a week or so ago. The soundtrack to the Disney Hercules is banging.

And no one will ever change my mind about that, ever. Can go the distance. That's not even the best one.

I'm in love. The fates are so good. But anyway, it's so good. Hercules is a figure of mythology, so he's not a historical figure necessarily. However well, neither was a little mermaid.

That book is technically considered a historical document, as are the historical sources that were important in ancient Greece. So we're going to go with it that way. Cool. Like it in the movie. Hera and Zeus have fathered and parented excuse me, birthed Hercules, and then he goes down to Earth, and that's why he drinks the potion.

That's why he's a demigod or whatever. No, that's not how this goes down. If you know your Greek and Roman mythology, you know that the gods were Promiscuous. Yes.

Think about the Lexi Jackson books, like. To sow their oats, we'll say. So heracles mom is a woman named Alchemy. Alchemy, I think her name or Alchemy, I forget how to say it doesn't matter. She's a human.

That's why hera hates him. Hera hates him because her husband cheated on her with a human. So Hera hates Hercules. The snakes in the movie that Hercules kills, those are snakes that were sent by Hera. She tried to kill him.

That's what happens. And then there's more pega drama. It's drama. Mount Olympus soap opera. Oh yeah.

It's so good though, too. It's like Vanderpump, only just more power. Yeah, more power. Pegasus is not even in the original myth, so if you loved Pegasus sorry friends. Also, parents skip forward like 15 seconds.

Are you skipping? Okay, good skip. Hercules goes completely insane and he kills his wife, Megara and their three kids. So again, you're at the Disney table and you're seeing this story and you're like, well it needs a pet because every single Disney story needs to have an animal sidekick. So we're going to pull Pegasus.

It'll work. We'll make him cute, it'll be great, and then he'll be comic relief as he gets older. And then also we can't have him kill his wife. So we're just going to stop that because this is going to be the one movie where there isn't a mom getting killed in it, right? Or no mom at all.

We're going to just not have that. So there's that one. I'm going to lighten it up a little bit with this next one though. We're going to Beauty and the Beast. It's so beautiful.

It's precious. Y'all, the Eiffel Tower is in the Beauty in the Beast movie and it should not be there. The Eiffel Tower shows up in the palace when all of the silverware are making the big spectacle at the BR guest song. Okay, so like the plates and the. Flatware, they're doing entertaining.

They're doing entertaining and they turn into. The Eiffel Tower because no one is complaining when the flatware is entertaining. Right. Flabby, fat and lazy.

Okay, so anyway, in Beauty and the Beast it's supposed to take place in the 17 hundreds. Y'all, the Eiffel Tower wasn't even started until 1887. Oops. So either he's seeing the future as a candelabra okay, I think I already. Said this on the show before, but I have to interrupt you right now because do it.

We went to the Renaissance Fair a few months ago and as we're walking in, there is a girl behind us who's obviously like bringing her parents for the first time and she's in her like mid twenty s, and I hear her say to her parents, now there are some anachronisms here. Okay? Yeah. The whole idea of the Renaissance Fair. Right, my churro is not necessarily historically accurate.

So there's some anachronisms there. That be our guest sequence. Right? But again, this is a historical discussion, so we're going to call it out. Now the other part of it that cracks me up is that these townspeople, I don't know if you notice, but to me the townspeople look miserable right now.

They're supposed to be it's a poor provincial town. Correct. It's not prosperous. These people would have been worn down. Who's singing when you're worn down.

No one, y'all, the French Revolution would have been happening. There would have been like anarchy, especially near a palace. Like they would have gone completely insane. And also Belle probably wouldn't have been able to read. Sorry.

Because literacy and a girl and stuff. Yeah. Okay. That's Beauty and the Beast. I love.

This is my favorite Disney movie, so there's a lot to this one, but I'm going to keep it light. Here Sleeping Beauty, y'all, the iconic scene in Sleeping Beauty, what are you thinking? What are you picturing of the iconic at the end, right, with the dress changing colors and they're waltzing. That's the iconic scene. That's why, for the love of goodness, aurora has a pink dress in all of the drawings of her, but in the movie she wears a blue dress.

And I will die on this hill. The blue dress looks better anyway. The scene of them waltzing, it wouldn't have happened. You didn't waltz because the movie is supposed to take place in the 14th century. And they actually say that in the movie that it takes place in the 14th century.

It's like 1300s or whatever. And the Walts came out in the 16th century.

So instead the two of them would have danced in like a if there would have been like a line of dancing and they would have only touched hands. Like Pride and Prejudice. Yes. Where like one dance is like 20 minutes long and you have to know all the steps, but you don't touch. Right.

Or like, Bridgetton? Where like Bridgetin? Yes. And there's some touching, but there's all those lines where they're going in circles and they touch hands only, and it's like hand and forearm and then they kind of go back to waist. There was no touching of waists in 14th century Europe.

You wouldn't have been doing that. It's not a thing. It would have been really risque, actually. Whoa. Yeah.

No hands on the waist, only hand touching. This one kills me because I love this movie. How could you not love the princess and the frog? It's so amazing. I love this movie.

And who doesn't love Ben Yays? Not this person. I love them. So good. The movie is about Tiana wanting to own a restaurant in New Orleans.

Yes. Yes. During Jim Crow segregation. It's, Jim Crow. Segregation is not funny.

However, the concept of this is just beyond any concept of reality. The idea that a woman, let alone a black woman, would have been able to own her own restaurant without a man co signing and with the color of her skin being what it was is completely laughable. Y'all. That would have been impossible. And interracial marriage was not allowed.

I just banged my microphone because I'm so heated about this. Interracial marriage wasn't a thing. It wouldn't have happened. Sorry to ruin the princess in the Frog. I have tons more.

Brave has issues. Right? There's so many issues. And I have a lot of them. But I also want to say, oh.

My gosh, you know how many things are wrong in The Lion King? Like, lions and zebras would never hang out together. That whole song sequence, I just can't wait to be king. Look at all those animals just getting along and dancing. They are around a watering hole.

And that is where it might happen that they owe it in a minute, to be fair. Also, this is a fun little fact. Did you know that scar is actually in Hercules? That's the rug. Yes.

He's on Hercules's head when he's being painted on that vase. Vase. But then he ends up on the floor when Hercules throws him on the floor. Anyway, do you have one? Because I feel like you have the one.

You said you did. I have the one. My soul is spiraling in Frozen fractals all around. Okay, so Elsa is talking about fractals, right? She's building her castle.

If you have a child between ages three and 20, you have probably heard let it go, and you've seen the sequence. She's finally realizing that her powers are great and she can use them for good. Hair is fabulous, right? She's like, this is the best braid. Remember, everyone was trying to make Elsa braids?

You know, I did a lot of. Because Abby was four. Yeah, I love it. We actually bought for Christmas one year a braid that you like braid into your hair so that she could have a long Elsa braid. Okay, so anyhow, her hair is looking fabulous.

She's doing her thing. So here's the thing about fractals. The term fractal was coined in 1975, but based on research from Frozen Two and quotes in Frozen One, we happen to know that the movie Frozen actually took place in July of 1843. Like, literally to the month we know exactly what happened. In frozen two.

There are some new Roman numerals on the boat that her parents were in, so we know exactly when it sank, and that was 1840. And then in the first movie, when Anna and Christophe are going through the woods and they stop at Oakin's Outpost, he says, wow, it's a real howler in July. Yeah. So we know for sure that this movie took place 130 years before The Term even was made up. Now, the math teacher and me wants to tell you what a fractal is.

Do it. Okay. Fractals are never ending, infinitely complex patterns, and the most famous one is the Mandelbrot pattern, or the Mandelbrot series or the Mandelbrot set. And I have included a link of a YouTube video that is the largest zoom in of this fractal as of right now. They're so cool to watch.

Like, when you're watching them forming, it's really interesting. Yeah. All I'm hearing in my head right now, I know you were talking about math things, and I like math things, but also, all I can hear is yoo big summer blowout. Like all I can hear right now, I can't stop saying it. I'm going to be saying it all day.

Also, I have to say this, this is my personal opinion and I'm not going to speak for Jenny, but I like frozen two better than I like frozen one. Disagree. The music in frozen two better than the music in frozen one. I mean, it's just so good. That tune, lost in the woods, that's.

Like eighty s the eighty s ballad. Yes. So good. Okay, so do you know weezer does that song? Yes.

So the first time I ever saw frozen two was at an outdoor screening after it had been out long enough that someone could screen it outdoors, right? So it'd been out like maybe a whole summer or something. And everyone else there with their kids has already seen it, I'm assuming. But I had thought when this song comes on, I am cackling, I am dying and all the moms are just kind of looking at me like, what is wrong with this lady? Where has she been?

Now I know you're my true north because I am lost in the wood. It's so good. And he's perfect in that movie. Kristenoff is the best. That's the thing where he's like, my love is not fragile.

And I'm like, oh, my God, yeah, kristoff is the best. It's so good. I love that 80s ballad. We took Sam to see Frozen, who was his first movie he ever saw in the theater. And I think that he missed that part because he was like three and it was pre COVID and there was probably a bathroom break.

But I just remember being like, this is the best part of this whole movie. I loved it. And I also I have to say I love the into the unknown because I can listen to Adele Dazim. I know that's not her name. Adina, Manzell, I did the John travolta thing right.

I can listen to her sing all day every day. Alphaba, Maureen, everything that she is and does. Elsa, I adore her. I love her also. You are not the only person in my life who loves her.

It's amazing. John is obsessed. That's not what I was expecting. You he went through a whole wicked phase. It's so good.

Defying gravity on repeat. That's too much. It's too much. But I love it. And in his defense, he was a pro musician for a while and sang.

So I give him credit that he's appreciating the art form. But it is funny. A musician and people who are into musicals are not the same thing. Like they're two very different genres, especially plays. Like his favorite band is like aerosmith.

Like, come on, metallica. Oh, sorry, my bad. Metallica. I don't know that I could marry someone who has Stephen Tyler's face on his bicep.

We love you, John. If you're listening, I adore you. I think you're a wonderful human. I just need to laugh. Of course.

Oh, my gosh. Meanwhile, my husband's like musicals. Who sings? Why are we doing that? I'm like, never mind.

You don't appreciate it? Fine. Anyway, it's wasted on him. So that's those are some of the historical inaccuracies in some of our favorite Disney movies. If you like it, tell me.

I got more. I got, like, ten ish more that I could just rattle off, and I don't want to do that right now because I want to keep this. It's already gone off the rails, but let's try and bring it back. So if you like the episode, please tell us and rate review, subscribe, do the things, tell your friends. That's the best way to help us out here.

And when you are looking at depressing dark children's stories from 400 years ago and trying to rewrite them movies in the 2000s, pick that fork. Make good choices, and just fact check your Disney movies. Okay?

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